b'THE ELLESMERIAN 97Rugby - U16Summary of results match. The last three games were against good teams from good rugby Haberdasher Adams (Regional Cup)-Won 7112 schools. This years group had consistently been second best to O.S.H. in Bablake & King Henry VIII School Boys U18-Lost1219 their matches as they moved through the school. They won for the first-Windsor High School & Sixth Form (Regional Cup) -Won 530 time last year and this time they were able to show how much they had Old Swinford Hospital-Won 480 improved. Shutting out this opposition and building the score that they St Anselms College-Won 648 did should not be under-estimated. Wrekin College-Won 055 We have beaten some good teams but we were never in the game. This was what the St Anselms College coach said to me at the end of This year we did not run a 2nd XV, choosing instead to run an U16XV.the game. He was full of praise for our style of play and the attitude we We also fielded an U17XV on occasion. had shown. We were playing with such speed and intent, with every player doing their jobs and working for each other. We had a strong U16 team this season but the squad size was small. It was fortunate that we did not suffer too many injuries and the fact thatWe were ready to take on Bromsgrove in the semi-final of the cup we had home advantage in all but one of our games helped. but, unfortunately, they could not sort out a date to play us. I think that Wrekin College bore the brunt of our frustration as we visited them Our first game was a Cup tie against local rivals and, after positive workfor our last game of the season. The mental growth was clear, as the on the training paddock, we were ready for a competitive match. On afrustration was channelled into clarity and discipline, which resulted in an dry day with a firm pitch, we were by far the stronger team.impressive away win.Our second game was a real test. Not only did we take on an older ageTeam: Haji Rahman T, Crossen O, Pytches E, Swinnerton T, Pyke H, group but a combination of the best players from two schools. DespiteMahoney C, Appleby H, Leonard H (C), Williams J, Owen G (VC), Coe not having the upper hand physically, we were competitive throughoutA-G, Jackson H, Dyson T, Gough Tilley T, Karnik-Lovatt S, Lewers J, Garratt and definitely finished the stronger. We lost but we learnt much, allowingE, Rossow L, Draco O, Raw J, Webster M, Ashton E, Cuckson Cus to grow and become wiser and mentally stronger. I very much enjoyed working with the boys and thank them all. I would The team did not lose again and although the scores suggest thatalso like to thank their parents for their support and the other senior the opposition were weak, our last three games were against goodcoaches. opposition that were made to look ordinary. In our third game we played Windsor High School in the third round of the cup. They were not aDJM.'