b'THE ELLESMERIAN 18The College Carol services were a great success, and as usual the Chapel Noteschoirs were in fine voice and the readers delivered their lections with conviction. Later in the month, on the evening of the twenty forth, This year I will report on a new initiative of the chapel for 2022-2023.the chapel was again filled with candle light as we celebrated a Vigil Saturday Service was an attempt to hold a monthly service with a highMass of the Nativity of Jesus Christ. This was a beautiful service, with a standard of music and liturgy open to both the College and the widervery appreciative congregation and a profound sense of the awesome community. nature of the mystery which we were celebrating. Our hymn singing was accompanied by kind volunteers from Porthywaen Silver Band, and Our September service coincided with the national period of mourningplainsong was sung by Robyn Welti and Isobel Whelan. One of our chefs, so we held a Solemn Requiem to pray for the repose of the soul of HerDave, kindly came in to bake fresh cookies and concoct a batch of Hot Late Majesty Quenn Elizabeth II. A good-sized congregation was edifiedButtered Rum; the latter went down extremely well.listening to music by Barker, Mozart, and our own music director Mr Anthony Coupe. It was very good to welcome back a choir of recentPlough Sunday fell before the beginning of Lent term so we held an OEs. We were privileged to have the Reverend Pat Hawkins, chaplainevening service on the preceding Saturday, late enough to allow local to the late queen, as our preacher. She spoke of the Queens faith anddairy farmers to attend after their evening milking. This being our contribution to our common life, encouraging us to turn our faith intoinaugural attempt at a Plough Service, the chaplain forgot to arrange for action after her example. a ploughwhich we could bless. The Gillman family came to the rescue with a rather fine potato planter, which looked impressive and did the In October we met for the happy occasion of First Holyjob! The Gillman family children also helped as servers at the liturgy. After Communications and Baptisms. Two members of our Community werethe service we all assembled in ante-chapel with ales and pork pies to baptised: Ethan Harrison and Harry Winn. There were four additionalshout a hearty, God speed the plough and bless the plough/planter. I am candidates for First Holy Communion: Imogen Spencer-Blow, Joshua Norris, Kit Fisher, and Oscar Beattie. We had a wonderfully responsive congregation and beautiful music from the Chamber choir. The atmosphere was palpably joyful as these precious children made serious decisions about their futures and drew more closely to Jesus.November saw the annual service of Requiem for the Fallen on Remembrance Sunday. The Chapel Choir sang extracts from Paul Barkers RoQuiem and MASSive for a very moved and appreciative congregation. The traditional invitation from the Headmaster for OEs to stay for lunch was taken up by a good number and there was a convivial atmosphere during the meal.'