b'Sport - The Academies THE ELLESMERIAN 173GolfThe golf academy again grew in numbers over the 2022-2023 year. Marcus Wildblood captained the team throughout the year and Charlie Boys was his Vice Captain. Our ISGA Nation ranking remained 4th, which was a fantastic achievement with so much stiff competition about from other schools and colleges. The academy reached the final of the British Schools Championship at Forest Fines Golf Club where Marcus Wildblood, Joe Osborne, and Will Aston-Stott all played some fantastic golf. Charlie Boys had a number of individual successes, receiving his first start for Shropshire and Herefordshire county boys team and then going on to win the Boys County Spring Cup at Bridgenorth and then the Boys County Championship. Marcus Wildblood represented the Shropshire and Herefordshire boys team again and went on to win the County Hargrove plate competition. Shinil Balakrishnan has had a number of starts for the Cheshire Boys team. We finished the season with a strong result at The Warwickshire Golf Club in the HQ Trophy with the Ellesmere team finishing an excellent third place in a very strong field. We have started this season well with a first round 3-0 win against Kings Macclesfield in the ISGA Matchplay, and we face Wrekin in the next round.RA'