b'THE ELLESMERIAN 108Girls HockeyU16The U16 Girls Hockey squad entered two tournaments this year andEllesmere were up against Oswestry School in their last match, a very were able to develop their skills and experience.different proposition. Oswestry had the majority of possession but excellent teamwork, stout defending, and an overall desire to work hard County Tournament Sept 2022 meant the Ellesmere defense couldnt be breached. A good, fighting Battling against the best of Shropshire was always going to be challengingdisplay with an opportunity to steal a win at the end was only narrowly but, with a good start to the tournament, a 1-0 win against Moretonmissed. Oswestry only went on to win the tournament on overall goal Hall set the U16 team off on the right foot. An excellent display againstdifference.Wrekin College followedbut for the last hit of the game we would have achieved a creditable draw. The next two games against OswestryJWNSchool and Shrewsbury School were the most challenging. A fabulous comeback to lose 2-1 to Shrewsbury demonstrated the potential steely spirit in this squad. The final match was a deserved draw against Bedstone College to cement our well-deserved mid-table position. A lot to build on and a lot of positives to take forward this term.NSSAA Tournament Sept 2022Ellesmere started the tournament well with a strong performance against Adcote. After finding their feet in the first halfand with the scores tied at half-timeEllesmere stepped up a gear. Holding their structure well while giving some determined performances produced a 3-1 victory.'