b'THE ELLESMERIANSixth Form46Believe you can and youre halfway there.Theodore RooseveltThis year we got off to a fantastic start as we introduced a pre-term trip to St Davids, Pembrokeshire, Wales for all the incoming Sixth Form pupils who wanted to try something different. It was an opportunity for those new to the College to meet their peers and for those moving up from Y11 to share their Ellesmere experiences with those joining us. We went with 32 pupils in 3 minibuses bright and early on the Thursday before term to take part in a range of activities such as coasteering, boat ride around Ramsey Island, visit to the Bug Farm, beach clean, early morning runs, and yoga for those so inclined and, of course, a walk into St Davids for some sightseeing and a large ice cream.The theme revolved around wildlife, conservation, and sustainability, something that the company that hosted us, Flooglebinder, hold close to their hearts. We all had an amazing time and very quickly formed the sort of bond that we all hope Ellesmerians will experience during their time with us.We returned for the new pupil meetings with tutors and the usual talks from me and the Headmaster with smiling faces, if not a little weary after such a busy four days. An experience that I hope was thoroughlyThe usual end of year festivities took place and were rounded off by enjoyed by all.Christmas dinner and carol services, which were extremely popular this The Monday induction day continued that theme in the afternoon withyear as things return to their normal busy state and we had a visit from the usual madness that is the Competitive House competitions andthe Yipiyap team advertising the gap year opportunities that they offer.an opportunity for the whole of the Sixth Form to have some fun andThe Lent Term flew by with the PSHE programme benefiting from a prepare for a busy year. visiting speaker from Aberystwyth University on how to prepare for university life and guidance on personal statements.Then, later in the The Sixth Form were able to attend the October Careers Fair, whichterm, a morning was spent looking at drug awareness, life skills, and self-proved to be very useful in helping finalise decisions for some anddefence with external speakers coming in to share their expertise.giving ideas for others and in November a team came from the RJAHMHESS was boosted by the training of ten more Lower Sixth pupils Orthopaedic Hospital to encourage our pupils to join their volunteersand four staff on the Mental Health First Aid Awareness course and this section (some already do). team continued to support events throughout the year, including the annual Hello Yellow fundraising event.Holocaust Memorial Day was remembered in a poignant assembly given by Neli, Melanie, and Oksana. We are ordinary people and sometimes it is easier to be a bystander. History shows us that it takes courage to stand up for what you believe and I hope our future can be shaped by Ellesmerians that make the right choices when it counts.Assemblies throughout the year continued to enjoy contributions from the pupils, which were much appreciated by all. The motivational assembly given by Yannes in the Summer Term received a standing ovationsomething that I am yet to achieve!'