b'THE ELLESMERIANOld Ellesmerians186Richard was a giant of the OE Club and he gave generously of his time to both Club and College. It was poignant that his last wishes were that his funeral should take place in the College Chapel.Both myself and John Harvey were given our instructions in typical Richard style.In a moment I will look forward, but humour me for just a minute. Whether you are a current student, member of staff, Old Ellesmerian, or casual reader of this publication, how often have you simply glanced - and ignored - the various Honours Boards and plaques around the school? You may have simply walked past the War Memorial, or paid little attention to the names of former Chaplains on the panels in Chapel. Every name has a story, but so do all those whose names remain unknown to the casual bystander. Unrecorded. As you meet Old Ellesmerians you find that most are very modest creatures. To todays students I simply say this: You are most fortunate to be given the opportunity to study at such a school. Give of your best every day. Every opportunity is open to you, and if not, ask! To every Old Ellesmerian, you have a considerable amount of life experience to offer todays students and fellow OEs alike. Dont waste that experience. Share and be stronger!In recent years, social media has changed how we all communicate. It The Ellesmerian Club can be a power for the good, occasionally less so. It would be unrealistic to expect the OE Club to remain unchanged in some quasi 1890 time When Richard Thurgood, Club Chairman, asked if I would accept thebubble. We have to evolve to stay relevant. That said, along with the Presidency, I was most humbled and flattered. Initially reticent, I amschool we will continue to host the Remembrance Sunday Chapel honoured to be asked. I am usually happiest organising behind theService and OE luncheon, the spring half term lunch at College too. scenes, though will always step into the foreground when necessary.City drinks remains popular in London twice a year; and it is a good Since 2010, even if you have not attended an event which I havenetworking opportunity. A small number of individuals help organise organised either in whole or in part, you will certainly have read mythe sporting events. The most important thing therefore to say is that it prose without realising. is your Club and the message is simple: Do not be shy. Engage. If you are not there, we are not complete. Do not be nervous if you have not As the academic year drew to a close, I was acutely aware how unwellpreviously attended an OE eventyou are Ellesmerians! Regardless of Richard was becoming. As he continued to give directions on all matterspeer year, you will be amongst friends that you never knew you had, so I Ellesmere, it was heartbreaking to see such a strong man succumb tolook forward to seeing you at the next social!illness in that way. He so wanted to make it to the spring luncheon inPaul Russellperson to see the transfer of the Presidency from Robert Russell toDerry House (1982-7)myself, but in the end it was just not possible and Life Vice President, John Harvey, officiated.'