b'THE ELLESMERIANSport - The Academies180TennisEllesmere College Tennis Academy Individual AchievementsThe class of 23 will long be remembered. They represent a wave ofIndividual performances have been outstanding and participation on the players who enjoy their sport through developing a strong work ethic.courts has never been higher. Jemimah Choi gained a world ranking and They have embraced the principle that fulfilment takes effort, not justsecured an unconditional scholarship to an American university; Jacob talent. Having said that, they have been as a group the most talentedPopplewell was selected to play for Cheshire in Division 1 of the UK the College has seen. They have had a massive influence on the youngerLTA Intercounty Cup; Owen Critchell was selected to play No. 1 for players coming up through the ranks and that makes the future of tennisNorth Wales; Tamzin Pountney was No.1 in the Shropshire team winning at the College very bright indeed. all her matches and her first grade 3 events. Eighteen Ellesmere players have represented their County teams, many with realistic chances of Team Successes winning their county championships.It has been our most successful year in competitions. For the first time in Ellesmeres history, the Girls 1st team were seeded in the top four schools in the UK, allowing them automatic entry to the National Schools Finals of the Aberdare Cup in Nottingham. They reached the semi-finals, their seeded position, with some outstanding individual performances. The boys also reached the National Finals but had to fight their way there beating schools from across the Midlands. At the finals they produced some of their best tennis and were a credit to Ellesmere. The age group teams have been very successful reaching the Regional Finals with the Year 7/8 boys and girls teams, and the National Finals in the Year 9/10 boys event (top 4 UK). In the LTA Senior Students competitions, we became Boys and Girls Midlands Regional Champions.'