b'THE ELLESMERIANSport - The Academies174FootballThe Football Academy has had another really impressive season, mostWeve included a Captains Group this year to provide extra notably reaching the quarter final of the ISFA Shield, the furthest theresponsibility for our senior players; those include Sean Zou, Sacha Academy has ever reached in this competition. Connesson, Joseph Lelong, Sen Muya, and Sodjanstan Battuvshin. They will be our lead players on and off the field, guiding the junior players Weve said our farewells to the long term Academy players in Year 13through their journeys at the Academy and school life. who have finished their time at the school and have made many lasting memories with their teammates. A special thanks to Oskar Sevcik, HugoNext year we are entering even more competitions than ever before, Henz, Josh Birungi, and Rohan Thethy, who have been a credit to theincluding: U19 League, U18 County Cup, U18 ISFA Cup, U18 ISFA school, and to their families, and we wish them the best for their futureBowl, U16 ISFA Cup, U16 ISFA Bowl, and U16 County Cup. We have careers. a really exciting group of youth players coming through the system, which enables us to enter into these competitions and hopefully achieve This season has also seen a change from a staffing perspective, withsuccess in multiple age groups.long term Head Coach David Raven also moving onto a different role closer to home. David has done some incredible work for the AcademyFurthermore, this coming year we are introducing a progressions and in previous years and we wish him well in his ventures away fromopportunities plan to assist our Academy players. We will explore many Ellesmere. areas, such as creating Football CVs, in-person and online presentations, attending professional and non-league games, guest speakers, and Our strong Football Academy structure has allowed us to recruit fromscouting assessments. This will enable the players to have a greater within; which therefore sees Sam Launay come in as Head Coach,knowledge of how they can go on to have successful football careers.overseeing the IHM Academy sites in both Manchester and Ellesmere.Brandon Hall comes in as Lead Coach and will be the main day to dayThe squad is vastly improving week by week and were excited by those coach on site, as well as fellow Lead Coach Lee Green. We continue tothat will join us this upcoming year. Im looking forward to another great have our other excellent coaches who facilitate daily needs and provideseason ahead!expert sessions for the developing players.BH'