b'Reffell Open THE ELLESMERIAN 155Mullock rolls back the yearsbut young guns lurk in the wing impending marriage, in what her mother termedand this has probably been lost in translationas a sugar show.This years Reffell Open was different in so many ways. For one thing the Watson clan was absent.Every year Chelsea Watson and her supportHowever, there are some young players in the wing. Like young lions, team descend on the College but this year, with a new job in Scotland,they are ready to bring down their fathers. Chris Horrocks in his first Chelsea was not here. Marie Watsons Pimms making skills were sorelyReffell with the athletic Amy Evans (on time for once, therefore it missed, although, note to the organiser, is that why only one bottle ofmust have been her fathers fault last year) amazed everyone and were Pimms was consumed all night rather than the usual four? Is Marieunlucky not to be winners. Their time will surely come. Robyn Welti Watson costing the school big time every time she offers another drink? and Simon Taylor also look promisingalthough Simon was probably There was also an absence of pupils as some of the notable players hadweighed down by bringing too many racquets. 10 really is a maximum, seen the line-up, quaked with fear, and escaped to Nottingham for someSimon. Charlie Dilks is another young pretender to the throne, very Robin Hood adventure. competitive, if only Morgan hadnt been quite so precious (Morgan now only does sport if his personal trainer attends and if the weather is 24 Most notably though, this was the year when youth challenged the olddegrees exactly). (decrepit)but came out second best!The Head Boy needs to really cut his ties with tennis as soon as possible. Stephen Mullock, now a two-times Reffell champion, was a new CollegeHis father looked crestfallen and immediately initiated a paternity suit as recruit (barely out of short trousers) when he first won here. Hishe watched Huw self-destruct. Whilst his dad, Nigel, and Shelley Leonard partner, Tabitha Leonard (who can claim many things but in tennis terms,played some remarkable tennis. No need for Tabitha to question her she is the first Head Girl to win, and also both the worst and best everorigins there!!Social Tennis secretary!) wasnt even conceived when Mullock, wavy locks shining in triumph in the evening sun, raised the trophy aloft. ButAnother OE, Sarah Haynes, one of the sharpest players in the pack, took here they were, battling everyone to submission and winning easily. Notone for the team and partnered Ranjit Chatterjee. Enough said. Even even Morgan, who is surely past his prime, could stop himdespitewith extra games awarded, those two failed to worry the favourites.repeatedly targeting Mullock and unsportingly refusing to check on hisAnd so, another Reffell came to its conclusion. Prizes were awarded by opponents condition when he floored him with a volley. Jemimah Choi and then Jemimah herself was awarded the Harrys Cup. This is awarded to someone who has embraced the ethos of social Tabitha and Mullock could surely repeat their success next year. Othertennis. Jemimah attended almost every Monday andalthough none dinosaurs also roam these courts. John Cowley looked like he has lostof us were worthy to be on the same court, let alone the same tennis that Sheffield steely grit, falling well short with the lovely Rebecca Lloyd,centre as hershe made sure everyone enjoyed the games, learnt from social tennis pin-up girl. Not even her loud screams of OUT could puther, and she did it all with a huge smile on her face. We wish you all the enough opponents off. Another old lag, Peter Hayes, now in his 70thbest in the States, Jemimah.year, raised everyones hopes with an amazing performance with Sharon Owen. Bringing down seed after seed, time just began to tell on thoseSo, to next year, will the Watsons return? Will a young pairing see off the two sporting legends. Limping throughout, and in obvious pain, rumourold guard? See you on Friday July 5th.had it that Peter thought any physical pain was as nothing compared to the pain of being at home and having to arrange his daughter CarolinesHO'