b'THE ELLESMERIAN 24Competitive HousesTALBOTHousemaster: Mrs Z. J. Fisher The first challenge of the year for Georgia and Charlie was to organise teams (of victims!) for the Sixth Form Its a Knockout welcome House Tutors: Mr J Morgan, Mrs S Owen, Mr G Owen, Mr J. Dilks, afternoon. From the get-go, both rallied the House and the sense of Mrs C. Dilks, Miss. L. Killen, Mrs N. Welti, Mrs R. Waddams, fun was palpable. The bucket challenge race at the end of the event Mrs. C Empson, Mrs C. Westwood, Mr R.M MacIntosh, Mrs A. Savage, saw both getting a good soaking, showing that theres no half-measure Dr J. Chatterjee, Mrs A. S. Done when representing Talbot! As American Football coach Vince Lombardi said, Theres only one way to succeed in anything, and that is to give it Captains of House: Melanie Scarratt, Charles Hemingway-Dearey everything. Talbot Leadership Team: Julia Smith, Will Phillips Abi-Lou Foster Sports competitions were held throughout the year and there were a number of notable performances from across the year groups. Georgia Munro, Molly Fry, Milly Martin, Naomi McGuire, Emily Farr, and Lili Harvey Hemming led the way with the Senior girls hockey, netball, and Talbot House enjoyed a magnificent 2022-23 and I have been humbledcricket, with Bella Spencer Blow and Natt Kritchanarat organising teams by the great sense of pride and commitment amongst our members infor the Junior girls. Organising teams, committing time to practice and this, my first year as Head of House. Not that I expected any lessmyperformance, and particularly stepping in when others are unable to roots in Talbot go back to 2002 when I first joined College as a tutor inparticipate are all attributes of excellence. The girls demonstrated this in the physical building (now St Hildas) that was then Talbot House. As aexcess throughout the year. true blue myself, it is a testament to Mrs. Dones tenure that the House Spirit is in such fine form and I am grateful to her for the guidance given during my first year.Understanding the heritage of the name Talbot is, I believe, integral to the sense of pride and community we work to develop in our Competitive Houses. During one early assembly I introduced the House to John Talbot, the 1st Earl of Shrewsbury, and his illustrious reputation. We see Talbot throughout Shropshire and our House can feel justifiably proud of our namesake. I encourage all members of Talbot past and present to commit a little time to researchyou can see why Talbot House is by far the greatest of the Ellesmere Competitive Houses!Leadership, commitment, passion, and drive are all terms that I can confidently use to describe our House Captains this year. Charlie Wood and Georgia Munro have been outstanding and the safest pairs of hands any Head of House could ask for. They led by example, with grace and humility both in the face of defeat and in the face of some very significant victories throughout the year. Here, on record, I extend my thanks for all they did in supporting all members of Talbot House and for stepping in and stepping up whenever it was required.'