b'THE ELLESMERIAN Headmaster Brendan Wignall said: We are immensely proud of Elin, who thoroughly deserves this award.188Using her own personal experience of severe depression through her teenage years, she has made a huge impact on life here at Ellesmere. Her work ensuring a whole school approach to supporting and helping students of all ages with mental health issues of any size of severity was made all the more important during the Covid years where mental health issues amongst students and young people saw an exponential rise.Elins work is implemented with the assistance of the Nursing Staff, Pastoral Heads and Director of Rugby Alex Murphy, a trained counsellor who understand the impact of mental health after his professional playing career ended following an injury.MHESS monitors, helps and advises students with issues such as academic and exam stress as well as other issues and is designed to safeguard all aspects of the mental health of any young adult and act as a safety net to avoid situations from potentially worsening.In addition, Time to talk (TTT) sessions were initiated with school nurses and Lower School developed a kindness tree and a problem box to help the younger pupils share positive caring acts and also their worries.Elins legacy sees the school continue to train new sixth formers and staff who to maintain that commitment to the emotional wellbeing of the pupils.Elin Jones Awarded Rising StarMr Wignall added: This award is for students who overcome 2022 adversity or materially exceed normal expectations and Elin is the epitome of that.A former Ellesmere College student has won nationalAs a top priority already within our Pastoral Care System recognition for the provision of mental health for her peers. through Housemasters, Housemothers and Tutors, nurturing the Elin Jones, 19, who attended Ellesmere College has been namedmental health of our students took another step forward with Rising Star in the Independent Schools of the Year Awards 2022,the implementation of MHESS. Elins incredible interpersonal which recognise and celebrate inspiring work. skills has enabled everyone at Ellesmere to embrace open conversations, information sharing and provide appropriate help Elin, from Wrexham, was given the award after her dedication,and support.tireless campaigning and legacy for the ongoing mental healthThe awards, run by Independent School Parent magazine, were awareness and support programme she set up at Ellesmereheld at the Royal Thames Yacht Club in London on October 11.College.She has arranged funding for more than 35 staff and studentsThe school was one of five finalists in the category and David to receive Mental Health Awareness training, set up a WellnessMoncrieff, Chair of the Editorial Advisory Board at Independent Suite at the school - a haven for children to have quiet time,School Parent, said: The last two years have been one of reflection and support - and organised various charity days inthe most challenging periods in education, but as we move aid of Young Minds and International Mental Health Day. forward into 2022 our independent schools are regrouping and refocusing with their accustomed energy and commitment.Another legacy of Elins is an integrated and ongoing schoolWhatever the challenges they have faced, the independent wide programme - MHESSMental Health at Ellesmereschool sector has continued to deliver an unrivalled education Support System, which she developed and grew not long afterto its students, delivering the best possible student experience. joining Ellesmere College in the Sixth Form. Delivering and supporting student excellence lies at the heart of each award.'