b'THE ELLESMERIAN 112Girls HockeyU13Summary of results to achieve them. It was inspiring to witness the improvement in their Newcastle-Under Lyme -Lost 08 dribbling, passing, and goal-scoring abilities. We also emphasized the Adcote School -Won 50 importance of sportsmanship, respect, and fair play, shaping them into Shrewsbury High School-Won 42 well-rounded athletes.Oswestry School-Won 111 Resilience was a key theme throughout the season. Our players faced Bedstone College-Won 21 challenges with determination and a positive attitude. They learned Rydal Penrhos -Lost 23 to bounce back from defeats, drawing important lessons from each This season has been a remarkable journey filled with growth,experience. This resilience was evident in their ability to adapt to enjoyment, and resilience for the U13 Hockey team. Our primary focusdifferent game situations, showcasing their mental toughness on the field. was on fostering a positive environment where each player could thrive,The girls demonstrated remarkable courage and persistence, inspiring all both as an individual and as a team member. We are incredibly proudof us with their never-give-up attitude.of the progress made by each player and the collective achievements ofThis season has been a testament to the dedication and spirit of our our team. Under 13 Girls Hockey Team. The joy they found in the game, the One of our main goals this season was to ensure that every playerdevelopment of their skills, their resilience in the face of challenges, and enjoyed their hockey experience. We organized engaging and fun-filledtheir exceptional teamwork have made this season truly enjoyable. We training sessions that not only honed their skills but also ignited theirwould like to express our gratitude to the players for their hard work, passion for the sport. Through friendly matches and exciting drills, theand the parents for their unwavering support.girls developed a deep love for hockey, creating lasting memories onSJTand off the field. Their enthusiasm was contagious and set the tone for a fantastic season.The growth and development of our players were at the heart of our coaching philosophy. We tailored our training sessions to focus on individual skills, teamwork, and strategic understanding of the game. Players were encouraged to set personal goals and work diligently'