b'THE ELLESMERIANLower School36Education is the most powerful weapon you can use, to change the world.B. B. KingThe year has flown pastI am sure families wonder where the timeSpeech Day was that special event where we reflect on a year well went. We are all so busy, preparing to face each day and get through thecompleted and celebrate all that pupils have achieved through the events, that all too soon, these days form weeks. Terms then pass andacademic year. As ever, there was certainly a lot to fit in.here we are having enjoyed a superb year of experience and makingTwo people who have been excellent ambassadors for the College this memories for the pupils. One is hopeful that we are now through theyear have been Izzy Philbin and Daniel Baggaley. They are the Head Girl post COVID challenges and that everything at Ellesmere is flowing welland Boy of Lower School. We would like to say well done and thank you and we are back to normal functioning. for the work they have done.It has been wonderful to reflect on the progress that each child hasIt is not an easy feat to speak to a large audience of friends and had through the year. Then we can compare that image to that childfamily. Both Izzy and Daniel rose to this personal challenge and gave who started the year and acknowledge the journey they have goneexcellent speeches. They confidently and calmly gave an account of through. It is absolutely a normal part of education to face personaltheir experiences through Lower School, and I was proud of them challenges along the way. I am hopeful that pupils and their families canboth, as I knew how hard this task can be. They both can reflect on a acknowledge that working through such challenges can form resiliencejob exceptionally well done and take confidence that this valuable life for future life experiences. Roads are never perfect. skill of public speaking can be firmly tucked into their back pocket! I could not have asked for two nicer pupils to work with this year! Lower Many families came to Speech Day to help celebrate the year at ourSchool presented a gift as a token of thanks. I hope that they will fondly Lower School Last Assemblies. Alex Hu opened the Year Seven and Eightremember their time spent in their role as Head Boy and Girl of Lower event by playing a piece called Prelude for us. Alex has grown musicallySchool. Here are their speeches:-this year and we are pleased to have enjoyed his performances at many of the College events. He was supported all of the way by Mrs. Paul. Aaron Heward played beautifully at the end of the event; he too, is an exceptional musician.Mrs Paul has decided to take her well-deserved retirement this year. She leaves with our heartfelt thanks for years of selfless service. I know that the children will miss her, as will the Lower School staff team. We wish her all our very best. We welcome Mr. Fisher to the musical team of teachers in Lower School.As usual there have been some outstanding performances. The Lower School choir has members from each year group of Lower School and once again we are developing very talented singers. There are new groups of musicians forming and the Musical Theatre group has been very successful. Mrs Pearce and Mr. Fisher work tirelessly to create wonderful performances.Mrs Hibbott is the Lower School Assistant Head (Academic) andI hope you are all having a good day so far. If you dont know me, my kindly helped to present the honours in the Year Seven and Eight Lastname is Izzy. Ive been at the College since Year 3. I want to start off by Assembly. I would like to formally and personally thank both Mrs Hibbottsaying that it has been a huge privilege to be Head Girl of Lower School and Mrs Morgan for their sterling work and the support they provide inthis year. It only feels like yesterday that I got asked to go see Mrs Owen their Academic and Pastoral Deputy roles. in her office.'