b'THE ELLESMERIANSport - The Academies182ShootingEveryone has faced challenges getting back to normal post Covid andIndividual. James Caldwell and Ed Astbury joined with Francine to win shooting has been no exception. As a sport we have been fortunate, asthe Senior team event, again qualifying for the National Final, and Chris much of the competition during the school year is run as postal matches,Astbury, Ollie Loud, and Fin Stephenson qualified for the Intermediate shooting in our own range, and sending the competition cards to scorersfinala great result.to be marked. This year saw the end of a strong period with a talented group of shooters who have developed with us as they progressedAt the National Finals in February, Francine shot brilliantly to become through the College. With many of our top shooters in their final year,the National Individual Champion after a nail-biting Olympic style final A levels naturally took priority and availability to shoot regularly waswhere eight shooters go head-to-head in a knockout competition. Great reduced. Despite this, some excellent performances were achieved.shooting from James Caldwell and Ed Astbury along with Francine, Anna Maughan continued to compete at the highest level, topping themeant that Ellesmere retained the National Senior Team Championship.averages and gaining a worthy place on the England Junior training squad.James Caldwell, Will Williamson, and Iona Taylorfor a long time the backbone of our Shooting VIIIcontinued to do well. Relative newcomers to shooting at Ellesmere, Abigail Febrey and Sofia Acevedo Tejada, produced some excellent results; they only took up shooting in the 6th Form and quickly established themselves in the team.For the first time since 2019, Ellesmere were able to host a regional qualifier for the British Schools National Pistol Competition. With one of the biggest entries nationwide, over 70 competitors across the 3 age groups (Seniors, Intermediates and Juniors) competed shoulder to shoulder for a place in the National Finals. Ellesmere stars Francine Gilmore and Chris Astbury made their respective regional finals and Francine won a podium place to qualify for the National Final as an'