b'THE ELLESMERIAN 157BadmintonThis year our badminton team, led by Captain Gavin Yang, had a pleasingFirst team players:season. Gavin has once again lived up to expectations and been a1.Gavin Yangpositive role model for other team members. Leonie Li must also be2.Frank Wuacknowledged in her role as Vice-Captain; ever the professional, Leonie is3.Lukasz Bacewiczorganised and efficient and well respected by staff and her peers alike. 4.Ben KuhoffOur girls and boys teams, made up of 6 players per team, have5.Percy Chancompeted against Shrewsbury School, Oswestry School, Moreton Hall,6.Teddy Sunand Wrekin College over the course of the year. 7.Alexander Norris8.Dylan CunninghamDespite experiencing some success against Wrekin College (away) and9.Ethan HoOswestry (home), the team at Shrewsbury School remain undefeated.10.Leonie LiWhat must be said is that, despite experiencing losses both home and11.Ceci Liaway, team morale remained strong and new friendships were made12.Marie Laccoursboth within the team and with those students from rival schools. 13.Madeleine SkarrattUnfortunately this year we lose many of our first team players who14.Hebe Wongmove on to commence their university courses. I know that they will be15.Cora Qiangreatly missed and we wish them all the very best.RWNext term we look forward to the new season and welcome Lukasz Baceqicz and Ceci Li as our new Captains'