b'THE ELLESMERIAN 20Competitive HousesMEYNELLHousemaster: Mr D. Bottom Michaelmas also saw a Tanka poetry competition where, as always, we had an impressive number of serious entries. Other cerebral House Tutors: Dr Tompkins, Mrs Evans, Mr Armstrong, Mr Luckas, Mrscompetitions saw Meynell doing well. The Senior Debating team put Phillips, Miss Darrant, Mrs Hutchon, Mrs Edwards, Mr Horton. up a good show and stood their ground while in the House Quiz Anna Mr Horrocks Farrow almost single-handedly won the trophy for Meynell.Captains of House: Carmen Kilgannon and Charlie Sweeney On the playing field, Meynells fortunes were mixed, with many matches going down to the wire and ending with us snatching defeat from the Meynell Leadership Team: Anna Farrow, Cal Adlard, Drew Murdoch,jaws of victory. That said, our boys stormed to victory in Junior Indoor Joe Bain, Monty Henderson, Lucy Conway, Dylan Cunningham,Football at the start of the year after some sterling coaching offered Iris Grigoras, Ollie Moore, Trinity Morgan by House Captain Charlie. The Sixth Form girls competed fiercely on the netball court, narrowly missing out on the chance to regain their former crown. In Senior Girls Hockey we competed well, even managing This past year saw many competitions returned to the calendar after theto avoid defeat when there were only three players capable of taking pandemic-induced hiatus and the cut and thrust of sporting, academic,to the pitch! Cross-country saw Nina Fisher, Year 9, and Anna Farrow, and artistic competition burst back to life. Year 13, race impressively to win the Junior and Senior Girls races. In all sports, Meynellians competed with good humour and hard work. Though Throughout this period our Captains of House, Carmen Kilgannonwinning is the raison detre of a Competitive House, there is room for a and Charlie Sweeney, demonstrated outstanding leadership as theylittle bit of light-hearted relief. This year, there was a lot of laughter. Next organised, cajoled, and inspired House members to play their part onyear, the focus will be on winning more and laughing just as much as our the sporting field, on the stage in the Arts Centre for House Plays, or inyounger sports men and women move up the school. Big School for House Singing. With the excellent support of the Meynell Leadership Team, high standards were set when it came to punctuality, politeness, and participation. The Michaelmas term began with Its a Knockout for the Sixth Form. Though not meant to be a competitive event, competitive it became with tug-of-war, three-legged football, and water-balloon races starting the new year off with a bang. It was clear that Charlie and Carmen would be superb leaders and that there was a lot of laughter to be had at our own expense. The first major competition of the term was House Plays, performed to a packed Arts Centre. The cast and production team threw themselves into rehearsing David Walliams The Worlds Worst Teachers. Olivia Hidayat and Dylan Cunningham were strikingly powerful, amusing narrators of an oddly familiar tale of teachers who should not be in classrooms and pupils who would have been better off in a borstal. Iris Grigoras turned in a virtuoso performance as Mr Phobe with a lot of energy and humour evident on stage.'