b'THE ELLESMERIAN 57The Lent term ushered in the next phase of classification training as all cadets delved into the Leading Cadet material. This curriculum included subjects such as Airmanship 2, Principles of Flight, and Basic Navigation, providing our cadets with a deeper understanding of the intricacies of aviation and navigation. Furthermore, this term featured a tactical paintballing session led by RAF instructors, where cadets learned valuable skills related to manoeuvring and defending in potentially hostile environments. Aviation remained a central theme during this period as cadets engaged in their Part-Task Trainer (PTT) for flying, marking the initial steps and a few achieving the coveted Blue Wings badge. RAF instructors also provided a number of sessions based on leadershipIn conclusion, the past year has been an exceptionally busy and through command tasks. memorable one for the RAF section of the Combined Cadet Force. As the Summer term dawned, we bid farewell to some cadets who wereAs great as it has been, we have also had to unfortunately say goodbye embarking on study leave. However, we continued to offer a rich array ofto Test Sgt Bell, who has been a great support to the Ellesmere RAF activities. Responding to our cadets interests and the evolving landscapecadet section. He has helped tremendously over the years to deliver of technology, we continued using the time for cadets to study throughequipment, training, and, most of all, fun to the cadets and it is a terrible their classifications on areas such as cyber security. shame we will not be able to see him on his regular visits. We wish him all the best with his future endeavours. Fortunately, we are also With the arrival of warmer weather, our cadets were immersed in awelcoming Test Sgt Tomkinson, who has already begun to help provide a survival course that equipped them with essential skills for survivingnumber of enriching opportunities to the cadets.in the wilderness. From shelter construction to outdoor cooking usingOur commitment to providing a platform for cadets to develop stoves and mess tins, our cadets demonstrated their adaptability andconfidence and self-pride has been unwavering. While the upcoming year resourcefulness. Leadership training also took centre stage during thismay bring new challenges and experiences, one thing remains certain: term along with radio skills, as cadets learned to plan and executeour cadets will continue to embark on exciting adventures and build their own Command Tasks, employing the SMEAC approach to ensurevaluable skills that will serve them well in their future endeavours.precision and efficiency.The Summer Expo proved to be an exciting and educational experience,Flt Lt J Haycockhosted within the confines of our school. Cadets were treated to an action-packed day at Whitemere learning watercraft and sailing. On the second day the cadets tested their close quarter skill participating in a day of Airsoft. Whilst here they used firearms drills that had been taught to them earlier in the year. Finally, over the weeks approaching the expo cadets had been designing their own rockets. It was a great final day to see each students rocket sore up to 1000 feet in the sky. A great achievement and spectacle for the cadets after spending the time designing and building them.'