b'THE ELLESMERIAN 68Tabor Academy Visit creative characterisation of well-loved characters. The comic timing of the train scene, the drama taking place in Hannays apartment, March 2023 saw us welcome back our American friends fromand the debacle on the Forth Bridge were all sensitively and Tabor Academy. Historically there has been a bi-annual schoolcomically directed to create a highly entertaining and memorable Drama exchange programme between Ellesmere College andperformance that was well attendeddespite the snowfall Ellesmere Tabor Academy. Recent world-wide events meant the exchangeand the surrounding area received on this particular evening. Whilst programme became a virtual exchange programme for a couple ofat Ellesmere, Tabor Academy not only enjoyed the hospitality of years, where students from across 28 different countries were ableEllesmere boarding Houses, and attended lessons and activities to meet and interact virtually rather than in person in each otherssuch as a choir rehearsal and assemblies, they also enjoyed a visit to respective countries, so it was with great delight we were able tohistoric Chester, taking in a walking tour of the Roman Walls, River meet up in person and host Tabor Academys performance of TheDee, and the Cathedral, as well as a tour of Chesters prestigious 39 Steps, adapted from the novel by John Buchan. It was a highlytheatreThe Storyhouse. Ellesmere College are planning their return original performance that captured the comedic moments andvisit with their Drama production in the not-too distant future.'