b'THE ELLESMERIANEllesmere College184 Parents SocietyClaire Williamson and Rebecca Lloyd held the post of joint ChairWith great excitement at the start of 2023 we began planning our from September 2022 to July 2023.It was their final year as Mums atbiggest event of the year,The Annual Ladies Lunch. As always, its a great Ellesmere, seeing 7 children between them go through the school and away for parents to get together at the end of a busy school year. Our total of 15 years as parents at the College. Speaker was Mr Tullis Matson from Natures SAFE, who gave a very informative and personable talk on animal conservation. The marquee The first event of the school year was the MacMillan Coffee Morning lastwas decorated with a safari theme, which tied in perfectly with our September, which gave new and old parents a chance to get togetherSpeaker and truly looked amazing. The event was a roaring success with over coffee and biscuits for a very worthy cause. It was well attendedover 190 guests. We managed to raise a staggering 1600, which was and raised 400 for the MacMillan charity. split between The Natures SAFE charity, The Stoke Trauma Unit, and Severn Hospice.Towards the end of Michaelmas Term we saw a great turn out for our Creativity Morning, where ladies made a wreath and table decorationIt has been an honour for us both to Chair the Ellesmere College under the guidance of a local florist.Later in the term we also hostedParents Society for our last year at school. We hope that it continues to a coffee and shopping experience at 2 Doves, where Mums had thethrive and we are happy to hand over the baton to Helena Hepburn chance to get together for coffee and some retail therapy. Due toand Sadie Norris as the new joint Chairs.the Shopping Event being a great success we held another coffee and shopping morning in the Lent Term. To round off the end of theFor more information, please email ecps@ellesmere.com and ask to join Michaelmas Term we all got together for our annual Christmas lunchthe ECPS WhatsApp group.before picking the children up for the start of the Christmas holidays.Our warmest wishes,Rebecca and Claire'