b'THE ELLESMERIAN 56The Combined Cadet ForceRAF SectionThe Royal Air Force section of the Combinedactivities. To name a few: leadership activities, Cadet Force (CCF) has had a highly eventfulrock climbing, paintballing, flight simulators, range and productive year, filled with a diverse rangeshooting, and numerous challenges designed to of activities that have both challenged andchallenge the cadets. The highlight for me was enriched the cadets experiences. Throughoutusing the DCCT range which is a computerised the Michaelmas term, our cadets embarked onrange connected to shooting systems to train a journey that encompassed great developmentfor different types of shooting. Inskip has always and fun, forging lasting memories and skills thatbeen enjoyed by the Ellesmere RAF section as it will serve them well in their future. offers so much for our cadets, and we hope to continue using the facility.The term kicked off with a strong emphasis on outdoor adventure, as some cadets eagerly prepared for Duke of Edinburgh award expeditions. The Duke of Edinburgh award is highly regarded, and our cadets thoroughly enjoy participating every year. The development opportunities it offers the cadets are always beneficial for their personal development.New recruits joined our ranks during this period and began their journey by immersingIn the latter half of the Michaelmas term, our themselves in the First Class syllabus. Thiscadets shifted their focus towards honing their comprehensive training included an array ofmarksmanship skills. They undertook rigorous subjects, such as the history and workingstraining in preparation for the Trained Shot of the Royal Air Force, an introduction tobadges, demonstrating remarkable proficiency. the Combined Cadet Force, Airmanship 1,The term concluded on a high note with some the captivating history of flight, basic radiocadets grabbing the opportunity to fly from communications, essential first aid, and, ofRAF Cosford in the tutor aircraft. We are also course, the fundamental principles of drill. Thegrateful for the opportunities provided by RAF enthusiasm and dedication displayed by theseShawbury, who once again offered a trip in a new cadets as they embraced each of theseJuno Helicopter from RAF Shawbury, taking a facets were truly commendable. few of our cadets on an unforgettable flight over the area. This awe-inspiring experience left The Michaelmas Expo proved to be an excitinga lasting impression on our cadets, instilling in and educational experience, hosted withinthem an appreciation for aviation.the confines of Inskip - a cadet training camp. Here the cadets participated in a number of'