b'THE ELLESMERIAN 93Rugby - 1st XVAs the final whistle blows and the dust settles on another memorableathletes but as individuals. They honed their skills, refined their teamwork, rugby season, its time to reflect on the journey of our 1st XV team.and embraced a never-give-up attitude. The camaraderie among the The 2022-23 season will undoubtedly be remembered for its challenges,players was evident both on and off the field, serving as a reminder that resilience, and the unwavering commitment of our players. rugby is a family where we support and uplift one another.A demanding preseason Mixed Results, Strong ValuesDuring the summer holidays 28 players embarked on the annualThe results on the scoreboard may not have always gone in our favour, Ellesmere College senior preseason trip to South Wales. Here, they werebut the values of hard work, honesty, and commitment were the pillars put through their paces at the University of South Wales sports facilities,on which our season was built. We faced formidable opponents who survived the infamous fitness sessions at Merthyr Mawr sand dunes andtested our mettle, but through it all, our players upheld the ethos that begun to gel as a group of players. defines our College. This was certainly the case in games against the likes of Old Swinford Hospital and Christ College Brecon. In these brutally Injury Plagues the Academy Stars physical contests, the score board may have favoured the opposition but From the outset, our 1st XV faced adversity as many of our promisingEllesmere certainly had the moral victory. In contrast to this Ellesmere International and academy players found themselves sidelined due toalso enjoyed some well deserved wins against the likes of Adams injuries. These young talents, the future of our team, missed a substantialGrammar, Wrekin College and Sandbach. portion of the season. Yet, their presence, even from the sidelines, served as a constant reminder of the depth of our squad and the potential thatWins and losses are an inevitable part of the game, but what truly lay within. matters is how we play, how we persevere, and how we embody the spirit of rugby. Our 1st XV demonstrated this spirit in every match, never It was heartening to see how these academy players remained activelyshying away from the challenge, and always striving to leave it all on the engaged in the team, attending training sessions, offering support, andfield.maintaining a positive attitude. This exemplified the character and spirit that defines our club, illustrating that rugby is about more than justThank you to our players, coaches, supporters, and the entire rugby winning games; its about forging bonds, building character, and nurturing acommunity for your unwavering dedication to the sport we love. Heres sense of belonging. to an even brighter future for our 1st XV team and the continued growth of our rugby family.Development Shines ThroughAs the season progressed, we witnessed our players grow not only asAJM'