b'THE ELLESMERIAN 58The Combined Cadet ForceArmy SectionThis year was an opportunity to get the Armyand for us to conduct a field exercise. The section back on track as regards their trainingcadets worked very hard and the results were programme, unable as they had been themost hearteningfinally we were getting back previous two years to access training areas. to where we wanted to be.Our Year 9 cadets focused on the Duke ofCentral Camp was at Driffield this year and, Edinburghs Bronze Award. This included trainingalthough it was by necessity truncated, we took in First Aid, navigation, camp craft, and many ofthirty Ellesmerians who had a great experience. the other essentials which are also commonThe group was mainly Year 9 and 10s who to the Cadet Syllabus. They took part in pre- had never been on a camp before, alongside a expedition training based at Quinta during thehandful of seniors. The group were an absolute October expedition. They were then able tocredit to the Contingent and the College. complete a qualifying expedition in June. TheyThey were enthusiastic, very positive, and hard did, however, get into uniform and learn someworking. The training team had put together basic drill and other military skills. It was pleasinga great package, which included water sports, that a significant number of this year groupfieldcraft, tactics, target sports, and command signed up for Central Camp at the end of thetasks to name but a few. The Ellesmere cadets Summer Term. This was a great success and thewere outstanding and thoroughly enjoyed junior cadets not only acquitted themselvesmeeting young people from other Contingents remarkably well but had a fantastic time as well. as well. At the end of Camp Cdt Cpl Abi-Lou Foster was awarded the Tom Wootton Cup for We saw a surge in recruitment into Year 10Best Cadet on Camp. and Year 12 which meant the creation of two further recruit platoons in these twoAs will be reported elsewhere, the Cadet year groups. Both of these used the OctoberShooting Team then went off to compete for expedition to learn basic fieldcraft at Nesscliffe.The Ashburton Shield at Bisley in the Imperial These cadets also worked hard to successfullyMeeting to cap a very busy summer.pass their Shooting and Safety Test and were rewarded with the opportunity to blank fireOnce again, my thanks to all the volunteers who the rifle on the College Golf Course. Mygave so much of their time to make the cadet thanks to Major Quentin for organising this.experience possible.A dozen cadets also attended a range day in June, which was also a great success. Thanks toLt Col Martin Clewlowthe efforts of the Cadet Training Team the Year 10 cadets were able to train at Nesscliffe once again for their Summer Expedition. This was an opportunity for them to improve their fieldcraft'