b'THE ELLESMERIAN 100Rugby - U13The U13 rugby team underwent an extremely challenging and eventful4. Draw vs. Adams Grammar School1010: In our return match season. Over the course of the term, the team faced numerousagainst Adams Grammar School on home turf, we displayed remarkable formidable opponents, learning valuable lessons and demonstratingimprovement and determination. This time, we secured a hard-fought unwavering determination and sportsmanship on the field. What followsdraw, with the final score of 1010 a fair result. This result showcased is a brief overview of our performance. how far we had come since the beginning of term. The team had grown and displayed a determination to compete at a higher level.1. Loss vs. Adams Grammar School355: The season kicked off with a tough match against Adams Grammar School. While our team showed5. Loss vs Calday Grange355: Our encounter with Calday Grange great potential, we fell short in securing a victory, with the final scorewas another challenging fixture. Despite our best efforts, we may have standing at 35-5. This initial defeat served as a valuable lesson for ourbeen on the wrong end of the score line but had certainly shown great players. signs of improvement since the beginning of the term.2. Loss vs Bablake and King Henry VIII School355: The following6. Loss vs St Anslems705: The season concluded with a tough fixture against Bablake tested our resilience as we faced a very physicalencounter with St Anslems, being a very strong opponent. While we and competitive opponent. Despite our best efforts, we ended the matchbattled hard, the match served as a humbling experience, motivating us with a score of 35-5 in their favour. This loss fuelled our determination toto strive for improvement.bounce back stronger.Despite these disappointing scorelines, there were several important 3. Loss vs Old Swinford Hospital450: Our third match was againstaccomplishments to note, as the team had certainly improved over OSH, a team known for their prowess on the rugby field. Unfortunately,the course of the term, with much higher levels of teamwork and we struggled to gain a foothold in this contest, resulting in a challengingcommunication. Also, on an individual level, each player had improved 450 loss. This setback pushed us to refocus and work harder on ourtheir own skills in passing, taking contact, and tackling. It certainly did not skills. dampen the players spirits as they looked forward to next year.JED'