b'THE ELLESMERIANMiddle School44Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every familyKofi AnnanAs we reflect upon the past year, Middle School life has once again been a whirlwind of activities and growth. Our students embraced a multitude of opportunities with their characteristic enthusiasm, enriching their experiences and expanding their horizons.The start of the academic year was busy as always, with pupils, especially those who are new to the school, adjusting to new routines and the academic requirements of Middle School. The first half of the term proved to be an exciting period as we geared up for our signature expeditions. These outings are a cornerstone of our educational approach, offering students a chance to apply their skills in interesting and stimulating contexts. This years expeditions included activities for all the various groups that make up our Thursday afternoons including CCF, Arts Award, Green Team, the Leadership Course, and the adventure-packed Duke of Edinburghs Award. Our students demonstrated not only their capabilities but also their resilienceEven amidst academic engagements, the sense of a tight-knit community and determinationcamping in October is always a challenge. is developed through House competitions, including House Singing and Throughout the year our collective spirit came to the fore duringthe House Plays, and all the different sporting competitions that take our assembliesan invaluable period during which Middle Schoolplace throughout a busy year at Ellesmere. The tradition of Christmas comes together to share their own interests and passions on a wideLunch endured, fostering camaraderie and shared festivities among both range of subject matters. These assemblies were both enlightening andstaff and students.invigorating, covering topics that resonated profoundly with the students.Artistic expression and the performing arts flourished once again as we The task of addressing peers allows pupils to build confidence andproudly staged various dramatic and musical endeavours, showcasing the stretches even the most able of our young people.talents of students from different year groups. The range of productions Assemblies are also a great opportunity to celebrate the academic hardand concerts were a testament to the dedication and creativity of our work achieved by students. It is always a great way to share success withtalented students.the rest of the student group and recognise those who are pushing theirThis year has been one of growth, marked by a seamless blend of academic endeavour. We present certificates as a sign of success, whichtimeless traditions and new ventures. Looking forward, we are confident are presented by myself and Mrs Curzon, Assistant Head of Middlethat Middle School life will continue to flourish, with students embracing School. opportunities that foster holistic development and a thriving community PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, and Economic) Education is a pivotalspirit.element of our curriculum, and the only time pupils are taught as aSPtutor group. Our dedicated tutors led discussions encompassing subjects ranging from mental well-being to ecological concerns and study skills. The annual online safety course underscored the significance of digital literacy, equipping students with tools to navigate the digital realm responsibly, something that is increasingly crucial for our young people.'