b'THE ELLESMERIAN In the Summer Term, Thomas Ford and Ariella Thelwell achieved their Level 1 Award in Performance.42 In Michaelmas Term, a number of pupils took part in the Primary Mathematics Challenge. William Donaghy and Rory Dunlop achieved Gold awards.Another enrichment activity in KS2 is the House Poetry Competition.Reuben Pearce and Tomas Balakrishnan achieved the Bronze Award. Silver was achieved by Zachery Bedwell and Florence Hughes. Gold Award certificates were achieved by Joe OGrady and Christopher Dilkswho was the also the overall winner. A highlight of the year was to welcome a local author, Catherine Cooper, to take part in a virtual author visit. Catherine set the younger pupils a challenge to create a dragon for her next book. Mia Davenport, Freddie Davenport, and Joe OGrady had super entries. Frankie Haydon was placed first and received a certificate. Amber Leonard, Hattie Fearnall, and James Donaghy achieved The following pupils have challenged themselves in their spare time tosuccess in Fencing this year and were presented with British Fencing learn a new language: Helena Hutchon, Eddie Harris, Mia Davenport,EpeeGrade 2.and Trixie Oakes. They all received certificates for learning the basics of Chinese at Chinese Club with Ms Ding. The KS2 pupils regularly use the cricket nets at lunchtimes throughout the year and this term the coaches have taken the pupils through Similarly, pupils are encouraged to undertake general academicthe Ellesmere College Powerplay coaching programme. KS2 cricket is enrichment challenges on the FROG learning platform. Gold awards thiscovered in the Cricket section of the Ellesmerian.year were awarded to the following:Mia DavenportHelena Hutchon It cannot go without mention that Eve Scales is the youngest swimmer Ren WahlbergFrankie Haydon in the Academy. She has had a successful year with many personal best Harry Winn times. We will watch her progress closely as she moves into the older squads from Year 7.We also have a wonderful golf facility and many children play. Ethan Harrison is due to travel to Ireland to compete in the World Golf Championship, while Tomas Balakrishnan defends his Winslow Open title this summer as well as participating in the European Junior Tour.Many children shoot and the following were awarded junior certificates of achievement: Toby Sharaf, Amelia Albertini, Fox Fearnall, Ariella Thelwell, Rory Dunlop, and Rory Gallagher. Accuracy shooting recognition was also awarded to Alexander Oakes, William Donaghy, Chloe Hart, and Charlie Lowe.There are two medals presented for outstanding athletic performance on Sports Day.We have also witnessed new musical talent emerging throughout KS2.The Victor Ludorum 2023Freddie FearnallThe Musical Theatre group led by Mrs Pearce and Mr Fisher participatedAnd the Victrix Ludorum 2023Flo Sandifordin the Oswestry Music Festival, Five Choirs Concert, and the Lower School Music Concert.The High Performance Learning thread runs throughout the entire curriculum, be it from an academic or extra-curricular perspective. HPL Eddie Harris was recognised for his service to Lower School Choir andachievements are celebrated weekly and the following pupils were Sylvie Cornwell for Service to the Musical Theatre Group. Both Jasperpresented with their HPL awards:Kimber and William Donaghy were recognised for their service to theLeo Salmoiraghi, Isabelle Rafferty, Josh Philbin, and Ewan Gallagher. Lower School Band. Florence Hughes and Kit Fisher were recognised forSuccessful learners are resilient, positive, and they persevere. They their service to all three! show independence by taking risks and moving out of their comfort zones. In KS2 we also celebrate these attitudes on a weekly basis. One KS2 pupils are also keen to play sport. There are two Tennis Academyof the highly recognised qualities of character is empathy for others. sports squads and there are many pupils developing their game to goodMia Davenport, Freddie Davenport, Xander Blackwood, and Helena effect. Details of performances and participation can be found in theHutchon featured regularly in nominations but the person with the Tennis section of the Ellesmerian. highest number was Amelia Albertini.'