b'THE ELLESMERIAN 101Rugby - U12The Under 12 rugby season kicked off with an away fixture toOn 15th October, we were on the road again to Old Swinford Hospital. Haberdashers Adams. The sun was gleaming, the boys were sportingHaving won two on the bounce the boys were hopeful for another the new rugby kits, and both the boys and parents were raring to go.close match. However, it was not to be. OSH were very well drilled, very With both teams in the very early stages of the season, there were manyphysical, and dominated the match. The boys fought to the end, but were mistakes from both sides but Haberdashers Adams went into half timebeaten by a better team on the day.with a two try lead. Spurred on by skipper Rory Owen, line-breaker Harry Harrison, and enforcer Buddy Ball, the team clawed back to bringOur last match saw us face off with St Anselms, Birkenhead. This match the game to a tie at 4 tries each with a few minutes remaining. In thewas well balanced, with Ellesmere College showing how much they have dying minutes, Will Barnes got hold of the ball around mid-way with hisprogressed over the season. We were able to string together successful trademark one-arm rugby league style running and broke through severalphases and get the ball out for some lovely flowing rugby. Great tackles and forced his way over the line for the winning try. A fantasticperformances from Austin Furlong-Hart, Nat Johnson, Henry Hughes, and start to the season! George Wardle. We welcomed Dan Thelwell and Will Goodwin into the line-up also and they showed glimmers of speed which I am sure they The next game saw us host Bablake & King Henry VIII School for ourwill show next year. Unfortunately, a few knock ons and penalties gave first home game. The game was superbly refereed by our very ownopportunities to St Anselms to take the victory.Mr Hutchings. The encounter was a well-balanced affair with the fliers from both teams featuring in break-away scores. For Ellesmere CollegeIt was an absolute pleasure to coach rugby with these boys in my first it proved to be the hands of Rory Owen and speed of Harry Harrisonyear at Ellesmere College and I will keep my eye out for them in future that provided the scores. Some stellar displays were also on show fromyears, as I am sure this group will become a strong rugby outfit. Milo Castle, Peter Brown, and Douglas Dean, and Buddy Ball was once more our key ball-carrier in the collision zone. Once again, the matchCHwas extremely close with the scores tied at 6 tries each. However, Will Barnes once more had other ideas and somehow managed to break the defensive line for a game winning try.'