b'THE ELLESMERIAN accompanying themselves on the guitar or piano. Leonie Lee played classical piano. The service itself was an enthusiastic mix of traditional liturgy, energetic young voices, and The Small Furry Animals! The Small Furry Animals are a rock band formed from19members of the Lower School; they played Paul McCartneys Let it Be and Snow Patrols Chasing Cars. The Lower School Choir sang From a Distance. The chaplain tried to tie all of the musical themes together with the bible readings and say something applicable about mothers and parenting!In the Summer Term the Saturday Service ran out of momentum, but we will try again next year! The last service of the year was a 7:00am dawn(ish) service for Easter. A small but committed and joyful group of very grateful to the College Director of Music, organist, and a small bandworshippers gathered together in the morning half-light to greet the of OE singers for a fine and uplifting selection of musicthey workedRisen Lord, to sing his praises, and to receive the benefits of his passion very hard during the afternoon to produce something really excellentin the sacrament of the altar. The service was accompanied by extracts for the congregation. from Handels Messiah, beautifully sung by Rhian-Carys Jones, an OE and aspiring professional musician. The catering department kindly provided a Throughout her tenure as Mayor of Ellesmere, Councillor Anne Wignallcooked breakfast.has been raising the profile of, and raising money for, Youth CharitiesThrough all of these high points and through all of the humdrum of and the Food and Warm Clothing Sharing Project. In February we heldchapel life this year I have been grateful for the company and assistance a service to pray and raise money for these worthy causes. The Solemnof the Sacristan and Chapel Prefect. Yannes Scheepbouwer and Emily Eucharist was accompanied by a soloist and the College Organist, MrFarr have been excellent all year; they acquitted themselves with energy Whitley. Chris Barnes, a local Tenor, enhanced our liturgy with beautifuland enthusiasm, and went above and beyond on countless occasions. renditions of pieces from Handels Messiah, Rossinis Messi Di Gloria,Perhaps my favourite moment of the year, and the very last before Mozarts Requiem, and Stainers Crucifixion. A small but enthusiasticstrawberries and fizz on the terraces, was baptising Yannes in the Lady serving team was drawn from the Ellesmere Youth Club and Brownies. Chapel packed with friends, family, and teachers. God has been good to Mothering Sunday weekend fell in March so the College welcomedus this year.families to a service on the Sunday Morning. While the Lower School Choir had a rehearsal, parents were treated to Tea and Cake with musical entertainment from some of our talented Sixth Formers:PJGTabitha Leonard, Hugh Lloyd, and Noah Fisher all sang popular songs'