b'THE ELLESMERIAN 92Rugby - 1st VIIThe 2023 Rugby Sevens season for our team at Ellesmere has come to aRosslyn Park - A Test of Grit and Determinationclose, marked by a series of memorable performances, both triumphantThe pinnacle of the season was the annual trip to Rosslyn Park, offering and challenging. This season was a true testament to the resilience andour players the chance to compete against some of the finest rugby-spirit of our players. playing schools in the country. Unfortunately, our journey was marked by a series of injuries that had taken a toll on our squad.Triumphant Victories in the North of England SevensThe season kicked off with a burst of energy and determination as ourThe early matches at Rosslyn Park saw a few below-par performances, team triumphed in the North of England Sevens. We secured impressivebut our team displayed remarkable resilience and determination when it victories against strong opponents, including Barnard Castle, Manchestermattered most. In a thrilling turnaround, the Ellesmere squad rose to the Grammar, and Birkdale. These wins showcased the hard work and skilloccasion, defeating Ampleforth College in a display of heart and character.development our players had put in throughout the year.A Season of Growth and LearningHowever, the journey was not without its hurdles. In a fiercely contestedWhile the season had its ups and downs, it was undoubtedly a season of match, our old rivals Denstone managed to knock us out of the maingrowth and learning. Our players demonstrated their commitment to the event. The loss, while disappointing, served as a reminder that rugbygame, their school, and each other. The challenges they faced on the field teaches us not only how to win but also how to learn from defeat andwill undoubtedly serve as valuable lessons that will help shape their future come back stronger. in rugby and beyond.Muddy Challenges at Kings Worcester Tournament We would like to extend our gratitude to the players, coaches, The Kings Worcester Tournament was a repeat of last years mudparents, and supporters who stood by us through the highs and lows bath, where very little sevens-style rugby could be played. Despite theof this season. Your unwavering support has been instrumental in the challenging conditions, our determined squad managed to navigate theirdevelopment of these young athletes.way to the final. However, on this occasion, we came up short against a formidable Solihull School team, who proved to be the better side on theAs we reflect on this season, we are excited about the potential and day. talent within our squad. With the lessons learned and experiences gained, we look forward to the upcoming seasons with renewed determination and a commitment to continuing the tradition of excellence in Rugby Sevens at Ellesmere College.AJM'