b'THE ELLESMERIAN 145CricketGirls U12The U12 Teams have showed significant improvement in their tacticalIn the final fixture of the term, the U12A team demonstrated awareness and communication skills during both batting and fielding.commitment and passion despite the loss against Kings School, They displayed a better understanding of game situations and adaptedChester. The match highlighted the areas we can focus on for further their strategies accordingly. Communication on the field became moreimprovement.organised and effective.We are immensely proud of the growth our U12 Girls Cricket Team In the first match of the season, this was an evenly contested game thathas shown throughout the season. The dedication, hard work, and highlighted the teams determination and resilience. The players battedsportsmanship exhibited by each player are truly commendable. and fielded well, leading to a well-earned draw. As we reflect on the season, we look forward to building on these accomplishments and striving for even greater success in the future.Due to Sir John Talbot not being able to bring a team, in the next match we played their U13 Team. Despite the loss, our U12A team showcasedCSDexcellent sportsmanship and fought hard. The match was a great learning opportunity for our players.The U12A team displayed impressive bowling against Moreton Hall, highlighted by the fact that no wides or no-balls were bowled. Although we fell short in runs, the teams dedication to accuracy was admirable.A thrilling victory for the U12B team, emphasizing their batting strength and teamwork against Moreton Hall. The match showcased our progress in accurate bowling and efficient fielding, together with developed understanding of the importance of communication when batting.Our U12 teams batting prowess was on full display as they set an impressive total. Our bowlers and fielders complemented the effort with a solid performance, resulting in a well-deserved victory against Adcote School.'