b'THE ELLESMERIAN When I walked in, my thought process was What have I done now? But when she asked me to be Head Girl, my thought process changed to: thank goodness Im not in trouble. Overall, words cant explain how happy and thankful I am to have been your Head Girl this year. Thank37you for this opportunity, Mrs Owen.Through the years Ive been in Lower School, I have met so many amazing people that have helped and encouraged me to be the person I am today. Year Eight pupils have all grown up in the past year (especially Dan, whos probably 6 foot now).From Year 3 to year 8, my form tutors have always been there for me. This year Ive had an amazing time in Mr Prescotts form. Every morning when I walk into form after a long trek from the bus car park, he greets me with the simple Morning Izzy. It may be simple, but little does he know that the greeting brightens my morning. That taught me that even the little things you do for someone can have a big effect.I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to Mrs. Owen, Mrs. Because Ive been here since Year 3, lots of memories have been made.Morgan, and all the teachers who have guided and supported us I wont be naming them all because I know a lot of the parents arethroughout Lower School, not only this year, but every year of Lower probably a bit excited for the champagne on the terraces but some ofSchool. the key highlights this year consist of:One of the best things about being Head Boy has been the opportunityThe chaplain putting on his hardcore Christian running music duringto get to know children from all of the year groups. Everyone brings communion (it was very unexpected to say the least) something unique to our school community, which is why Lower SchoolMrs Owen and I singing our hearts out to all the hymns in Chapel is special. we really do belt out the hymn (we should definitely do a duet sometime) As we move on to Middle School, I would like to share a few wordsBeing a part of the Chapel choir and going on the Barcelona tour of advice for Year 8 next year. First and foremost, be yourself. Embrace where Kiri became a professional videographer. Her work is so good. your individuality, your strengths, and your passions. Secondly, embraceBeing consecutive winners of Spanish Kahoot with Kiri, Ellie and Dan challenges, learn from failures, and celebrate successes.Fulfilling the former Head Girl Lucys wishes and beating the teachers Before I finish, as you know, Mrs. Owen is stepping down as Head of at croquet Lower School. She will be greatly missed. I thought I would contactTalking with my friends Meg and Immy every so often about the some of her previous Head Boys and Head Girls to find out about their memories weve had at Lower School.experiences of Lower School, and more importantly their experienceThis isnt a memory, but I just want to mention that I couldnt be moreof her. The overriding message from all of them was that Lower School thankful that my close friend Dan was the Head Boy this year. Its been is a friendly, supportive, and welcoming place and it was from Lower great working together with someone whos kind and caring. ThankSchool that many have formed long term friendships.So how about you for letting me hold the cross in Chapel a lot! you, Mrs. Owen? What do the previous Head Boys and Girls say about you? Three previous Head Boys alone have said that you are a lovely, Some advice for the Year Sevens going on Year Eight. Make the most ofcaring person, as well as the word kind being repeatedly used. One even your time - because time does fly. Next year will be your last year inreferring to you as valuable.The word inspiring also cropped up many Lower School so youve got to make it count. And to the Prefect teamtimes. So, what about my three words? I would have to say that you are next year: carry on our winning streak and beat the teachers at croquet! supportive, friendly, and enthusiastic with everything you do. You have really helped me this year through some tough moments, as I am sure Izzy Philbin you have for the Head Boys and Girls before me. On behalf of everyone who has been fortunate enough to come through Lower School under your guidance, thank you Mrs. Owen.Hello everyone, Im Daniel and I have been Head Boy of Lower School this year, which has been a privilege and honour.I began Lower SchoolDaniel Baggaleyas a Year 4.It has always been a safe and happy place to be and has given everyone leaving today the tools we need to take on to our next stages. It was hard to move on from that point on Speech Day, but onward we went!Looking back, I have countless good memories that have shaped our time here. From the House plays to the Year 8 bowling trip and, mostThe first point of note was the celebration of academic excellence.recently, the Prefects Dinner. There have been some great times. Who could forget the memorable croquet match where we triumphedA number of pupils were presented awards by the Headmaster for their over the mighty Mrs. Owen, Mrs. Morgan, and Mrs. Hibbott. It was aperformance during the examination period.testament to teamwork and determination.'