b'THE ELLESMERIAN 128FootballU15It was a pleasure for Mr Crawford and I to work with the U15 squadWith a good selection of footballers of different strengths at our during the Lent term. Unfortunately, due to the inclement Winterdisposal, it was not too difficult to find the right blend of players who weather, several matches could not proceed and the first three games ofwere able to adapt, show grit and determination in defending, as well the calendar were cancelled. In spite of this, the attitude and applicationas the necessary flair needed to create goalscoring chances. However, of the boys was first rate in training and this translated to some pleasingnone of this would have been possible without a strong team spirit. It performances in the six matches that were able to go ahead. Of thesewas clear to see from the beginning that the boys were always willing to six matches Ellesmere won two, drew three, and lost just one matchwork hard for each other, fostering a really positive group morale with against Concord College, a defeat that was later avenged in the returnencouragement at the fore. fixture at Ellesmere. SJPSharing goalkeeping duties to a fine standard were Victor Joulie and Theo MacAndrew, ably protected by a backline of Hugh Cornwell, Ellis Ashton (Captain), Charlie Fletcher, and Harry Underhill (Vice-Captain). As coaches we were lucky to be able to count on players in the squad who could play in different positions and as such Tom Parr, Hal Winney, Kyle Murdoch, and Dylan Avery were always ready to play in different areas of the pitch when necessary, never giving anything less than 100% effort. Further up the pitch Tony Hou, Pat Kaewthong, Noel Vater, and top goal scorer Frederik Meyer proved a handful for opposition teams and blended in extremely well with the rest of the boys in what was their first year at Ellesmere. Archie Dixon and Ewan Skillicorn also deserve a mention for helping out the team at different points during the term.'