b'THE ELLESMERIAN 118Netball2nd VIIThe season began with what has traditionally been our toughestwas not the case. The team were determined to put these defeats fixtureand this year proved no exception. We travelled away tobehind them and they played confidently from the outset. For much Wrekin College with some trepidation but also a determination toof the game, there was very little to separate the two sides, with the learn something from the challenge of playing a team with so muchlead changing frequently. When Oswestry did manage to edge in front, experience. The game was played at a frenetic pace and, at times, wewe kept our composure and some great interceptions led to some could not match the speed of our opponents. However, we showedimportant turnover of possession at vital stages in the game. This good strength of character, despite the heavy defeat. seemed to give us renewed confidence and it was great to see the grit and determination on show in all areas of the court. The team were Our next match was away at Oswestry School. The first quarter was arightly proud of being able to hang on to win the game 11-7.well-balanced affair with neither team able to break the deadlock; very unusual in a netball match and testament to some dogged defending.Our final match of the season was a trip away against Kings School. Due Oswestry took their opportunities in the second quarter but we wereto some awful weather, the fixture had to be relocated to an indoor unable to convert possession into goals. We then suffered an injury,facility in Wrexham. For large parts of the game, we kept in touch with necessitating making some positional changes. We managed to regainthe score and put our opponents under some sustained pressure. some ground in the third quarter, outscoring Oswestry, but in the finalUnfortunately, Kings managed to make the most of any turnovers they quarter they pulled away to win 21-6. won and began to pull away, winning the game 17-11.On Friday 3rd March the Second team had a friendly game againstA number of 2nd team players also played in the U16 North Shropshire Shrewsbury School. The girls started the game with intent and displayedtournament. There were some incredibly close games throughout the some fluent netball at times. As the quarters went on, the Shrewsburytournament. Although we lost three games, two of these games were side took the lead and had a convincing 7-26 win. Despite the score, theonly by a one goal margin. Victories against Thomas Adams and St girls continued to work hard and competed until the final whistle. ThereMartins School meant that we finished in fourth place. A creditable were some elements of good play, particularly in the attacking third.result for a team comprised of Year 10 and 11 players, demonstrating real potential coming through from the younger age groups.It would have been easy to be a little anxious about our next meeting against Oswestry, particularly following two heavy defeats, but thisLK'