b'THE ELLESMERIAN Throughout the year, Lower School pupils get the chance to experienceAnother good year for Ellesmere Shooting and I must thank my target shooting using Air Rifles; this is extremely popular, and somecoaches who help make this happen and without whom we excellent results were achieved. Notably, Kayleb Allcock won the Corishcould not offer the opportunity to so many pupils. Particular Cup and Esther Gration the Hamilton Bennett. The Summer term seesthanks to Andrew Quentin, Julie Chatterjee, and Martin Clewlow,183less activity during the exam season, but our top shooters need to keepwho, alongside David Gregory and Mark Parry, put in a huge their eye in as the main cadet shooting event takes place just after theamount of effort to ensure Lower School shooting runs so end of term at Bisley. The Ashburton is the oldest and most covetedsuccessfully.team competition for schools; first awarded in 1861, this solid silver shield represents the pinnacle of success and was won by EllesmereTRin 2015. Unfortunately, this year last minute conflicts meant we could not field our strongest team, but we still managed to take an VIII who performed well. Will Williamson and Abigail Febrey made the Schools Hundred and Will won the Wellington after a tie shoot!'