b'THE ELLESMERIAN celebration fronted by a huge level of confidence from the students. KS2 Musical Theatre group gave an energetic, choreographed71performance of Revolting Children from Matilda and we got a preview of Its a Hard Knock Life from Annie performed by KS3 students. Vocals blended with instrumental skills ranging from Aaron Hewards jazz piano stylings to Alex Hus intense, musical performance of Bachs Prelude on the Violin.Chester Music Festival The Year 8 students gave a strong lead, as they performed for the last time as members of Lower School and we were treated to a It was great to see Ellesmere returning to the Chester Music Festival thisperformance of Spice Girls Wannabe towards the end of the evening. year. Following a successful and busy year in festivals, concerts, services, and touring, our students are able to perform at consistently highThe LS Choir brought proceedings to a close with two Abba songs. The standards both in ensemble and as soloists. Team skills and mastery lie atlast of these featured solos by Mr Fisher and Mr Coupe, and Mrs Paul the heart of this performance level and Chester Music Festival was nosat in pride of place on a throne, as she comes to the end of her time exception. teaching in the department and the College. The Chamber Choir performed everything from 17th Century sacred Cathedral music to modern contemporary classics and everythingMusic Tour to Barcelonain between. Adjudicator Brian Hughes was impressed at the balance between parts, the quality of the boys voices, our attention toThe Music Tour to Barcelona in 2023 will always hold happy and special expressing the text, and the overall quality of sound.memories of spending time with a remarkable, talented, funny, resilient, and special group of people. Life is all about shared moments and in The Raven Four (joined by Anthony Coupe as a stand-in) performedBarcelona we got to experience many of these. a beautiful set with great character and refinement, earning them the highest mark of the day for vocal ensembles and choirs.A number of our students performed as soloists, all gaining 1st or 2nd places, including Molly Fry on Clarinet and Lewis Reardon, Huw Lloyd, and Olivia Philbin as singers. Lewis did particularly well, achieving 1st place in two categories. At the end of this year he will be heading on with his vocal studies at the RNCM.A really nice day out with students who serve as excellent ambassadors for the school. I continue to be inspired by them.House Singing The choirs musical journey in Barcelona included a mesmerizing concert at the Gate of Glory, where the sounds resonated through the This years House Singing took the theme of Big Band Jazz. All studentsconstruction-filled air of La Sagrada Famila. Singing in the Crypt of La in Middle School and Sixth Form took part in an evening that was actionSagrada Familia, the priest bestowed a diploma, declaring it the choirs packed and saw a return to what is one of the most important eventshome. Barcelona Cathedrals gothic grandeur provided a picturesque in the Ellesmere calendar. House Captains took the lead in preparingsetting, followed by an enchanting concert at the Catalan Music Palace, students in both their Unison Songs and in the small ensemble Partfeaturing music by Bernstein, Duke Ellington, and a premiere of a Piano Songs.Concerto.Our judges for the evening were Kevin Mattinson (trombonist and BigThanks to all of the families who made the journey to join us in Band specialist), Jack Corbett (Performing Arts Centre Manager) and ourBarcelona.head judge, Paul Drakeley, a professional singer who specialises in the style and performs in a Rat Pack tribute show. If the students didnt know before, I think they will now understand that delivering the best performances requires hard work in rehearsal, good ensemble skills, a desire to really communicate with the audience, and Lower School Summer Music Concert a level of assured relaxation in performance. And the most important lesson for our young people: go after every opportunity in life, especially Students from across Lower School came together to present theirif it is something you can do together!own musical showcase. From the LS Bands Summer Nights from Grease conducted by our very own T-Bird, Mr Fisher, to the rock bandsAPCperforming Ruby and Bring Me to Life, the evening was one long'