b'THE ELLESMERIAN 116Netball1st VIIOn Wednesday 11th January the 1st team had their first game of theThe 1st team travelled to Wrexham to have a fixture against Kings season against the formidable side Wrekin College. Ellesmere foughtCollege on 15th March. The match was a nice friendly, with some in each quarter and used the opportunity to build their performanceexcellent netball played at times. Kings chipped away each quarter for the rest of their season. Final score 3-46 to Wrekin. and the girls lost 19-43, however, the Ellesmere side kept fighting until the end. On Wednesday 18th January the 1st team visited Oswestry school. Zara Brookshaw captained the team to a convincing 31-13 win.On Wednesday 27th March Ellesmere College hosted the U19 Despite a slow start, the team displayed a fantastic performanceand U16 North Shropshire Tournament. It was a great finish to the and the defensive unit worked together brilliantly to create manyNetball term for the 1st VII Netball Squad. They became the U19 opportunities for the attack. The attack played patiently and fluently,North Shropshire Netball Champions with convincing wins against demonstrating intelligent and skilful netball at times. All players tookAdcote (15-1), Marches (14-2), and a close game against Oswestry to the court which showed the versatility of the squad. Player of the(7-5). The team displayed great sportsmanship and teamwork both match went to Georgia Monroe who had an excellent work rate andon and off court. A special mention to Georgie Prescott, Jennifer worked relentlessly to turnover a lot of ball.Hooper, Georgia Munroe, and Tabitha Leonard on their last Netball match for the College. On Saturday 4th March the 1st team returned to Oswestry for a friendly match. The team was slightly different to the last match andBMDthe girls were aware they had a hard game ahead of them. Zara Brookshaw captained the team and the first quarter was closely contested. Ellesmere stuck to their game plan and played their own game, showing brilliant attacking play, despite different combinations. The second quarter Ellesmere came out strong and won this quarter. As the game progressed the Oswestry team found their flow in attack. The final score was 18-28.'