b'THE ELLESMERIAN Cup for the best overall House. Sadly, Louis Lermite wasnt able toThe final sport event of the summer term was the Senior match his performance from Year 12 as he was injured, but he happilyHouse Golf competition. The conditions for the competition came to support Woodard at the event. House football and netballwere a lot more favourable than the wintery conditions that rounded off the sporting events of the Lent term gap. All the boys andlast years competitors were subjected to. This year we had an33girls teams did Woodard proud. all-male team comprising of Ben Wright, Jack Tomlinson, Sam Linington, and Will Wilkinson. We had stiff competition as Ben Academic competitions also continued in the Lent term. The big eventwas our only Golf Academy playerthe other teams had many more! was House Singing. This years theme was Big Band classics. WoodardThe gentlemen played well, but the competition was just too good this were able to pick the songs that they wanted the House to perform,year for Woodard.and for the full House unison song Woodard sang Come Fly With Me and for the part song Moon River. The House sounded amazing and,The final highlight of the House year was winning the Academic Cup for although we didnt win, we came in a very respectable second place,the third year running. Unlike last year this wasnt a surprise as we had a which was our best result to date in recent years. Hopefully next yearhuge lead in the competition from the start of the year. Woodard pupils, we can convert this to first. as usual, didnt shy away from a challenge and rallied throughout the year to ensure that this lead was kept. Winning the Academic Cup was truly There was also a Linguistic challenge for pupils to enter, where pupilswell deserved.had to puzzle out what an unknown language was. Unusually for Woodard we didnt get many entries, but as it wasnt well representedI continue to be immensely proud of the pupils in Woodard this across all the Houses, we didnt feel too bad when we didnt place.year, as my motto has been for pupils in this House is to take the The start of the summer term saw the annual House Dinner, which hadopportunity to have a go at things that they have never done before. I been delayed from the Lent term. I was delighted to see the support ofhave continued to see Woodard pupils taking on new things, with rugby so many guests. Many parents turned up to the event, the most of anyplayers continuing to enter writing competitions and the scholars playing of the competitive Houses. Many of the parents were ex-Woodardians.rugby and netball. I hope we can build on this sense of a family and the It was a successful evening due to the support of not only our guestsresilience to take on anything over the coming years and allow pupils to but the pupils and House staff, as well as the stars of the eveningAdititake this spirit with them as they move onto their next chapters. and Willwho both delivered great speeches and reminded everyone of the best moments from the year. It was also nice to see several pupilsFinally, many thanks to the Year 13s and Year 11s that are leaving us at the receiving their colours and this included several Year 12s and 10s: Samend of this year; the support and effort that you have put into House Linington and Olivia Philbin, Daisy Cooke, Cici Noss, Theo MacAndrew,activities this year have made it another truly enjoyable and memorable and Harry Underhill. This is an impressive feat as they had entered everyyear. I hope that you come back and visit and support the House sporting competition and many academic competitions throughout thewhenever you have a free moment. As we move on to a new year, lets year. A huge thanks must be given to all who attended, and I hope to seehope we can build on this years success and keep showing the other you next year.House what we are made of. May our blood continue to run proudly purple. Woodard, you simply continue to be the best.The House Quiz also took place in the summer term. Our team comprised of two Sixth FormersAditi Chezhian (Year 13), LukaszRJHGalazka (Year 12)and two Middle School pupilsBarney Smith and Harry Underhill (both Year 10). This year we took on Wakeman-Lambart in the semi-final and we were bombarded with questions from the ultimate quizmaster, Mr Crawford. After nearly forty minutes of intense questioning, including a nerve-racking spotlight round, Woodard finally won and went through to the final against Meynell. The final was just as nerve-racking. Despite quizzing well, the team were narrowly beaten and ended up in second place, but this was an incredibly respectable result.'