b'THE ELLESMERIAN 60The Combined Cadet ForceEaster Camp 2023We returned to our favourite location at Dundonnell for our Easter Camp 2023. We took with us 12 cadets on what turned out to be another fantastic week of winter mountaineering. We were also delighted to welcome back Robyn Welti OE who joined us from Queens UOTC. Not even the failure of various kitchen appliances could dampen the spirits of the group, although the Contingent Commander would, as a result, go on to set an all-time Contingent record for washing-up. Dave Escott, our chef, coped magnificently and produced staggeringly good meals despite the challenges. The meal he produced for the Camp Dinner will go down in legend. It was therefore particularly fitting that we were able to present Dave with a Contingent Medallion recognising his contributions to so many of our Easter Camps. Cdt Alfred Appleby gave the Loyal Toast on this occasion.The group had the usual day of winter training on the local peaks on Day 1. The next day saw an ascent of the iconic Stac Pollaidh by all the climbing groups. This is a unique location and is rightly a fixture whenever we visit Dundonnell. At least this year those returning got to see the views! The next day the cadets completed an ascent of the equally iconic An Teallach. It was then time to go off on the three-day overnight expedition. This was a magical journey through the Letterewe, Fisherfield and Strathnasheallag deer forest. A stunning three days was enjoyed by all. Meanwhile a group of my fellow officers, accompanied by Dave the chef, left to conquer the most northerly Munro Ben Hope. The CO was left behind to take delivery of a replacement dish-washer, which failed to materialise! At least Dave had left me some cake!The challenge of Easter Camp was and is a unique opportunity and the cadets responded superbly. They were exceptional both on and off the mountain and a genuine pleasure to be with. The Axe, awarded to The Best Cadet on Camp, was presented to Alex Norris by Lt Col Huw Gilbert at the final dinner. My thanks to all those who made this event possible.Lt Col Martin Clewlow'