b'THE ELLESMERIANSport - The Academies172RugbyThe Ellesmere College Rugby Academy program continues toAll this has come at a time that has seen a lot of disruption in the compliment the traditional playing season. It equips pupils with the toolsdomestic English rugby club scene with the likes of Worcester to cope with the demands of playing at a higher standard. This includesWarriors, Wasps, and London Irish all being disbanded from the English physical development, nutrition education, psychological support, andpremiership. However, Ellesmere proves to be a source of stability for year-round rugby training.the development of our pupils in this turbulent time. In addition to providing players with the tools to deal with the professional game, The Ellesmere program has evolved significantly over the years, withEllesmere College continues to pride itself on instilling other values that advancements in sports science, technology, and our understanding ofthe professional game can sometimes miss out on due to the pressure to human physiology. These developments have transformed the way ourobtain results. pupils prepare for competition, recover from injuries, and optimise their performance.Ellesmere pupils are regularly educated on the importance of values such as work ethic, honesty, self-discipline, teamwork, mental resilience, and The physical conditioning program was enhanced with the return of Mrmost importantly, enjoyment. I believe that it is the emphasis on these Luckas and Mr Ruffs weekly conditioning sessions, personalised programs,values that continues to encourage participation at Ellesmere College. and regular testing, which all contributed to our players reaching new heights. Our pupils also benefited from weekly sport psychology lecturesDespite the rising number of contentious issues surrounding sports in the with Mr Murphy.modern world, Rugby Union at Ellesmere remains a beacon of positive influence for our young pupils. The benefits of physical fitness, teamwork, This holistic rugby program ensures that Ellesmere continues to producediscipline, inclusivity, and mental resilience far outweigh the challenges. a number of pupils that play at a some of the highest age grade standards.As we navigate the evolving landscape of sports, we should continue to This year was no exception with Will Owen representing England Undercelebrate the values and advantages that Rugby Union imparts to our 18s and thirty pupils across Middle School and Sixth Form being involvedyouth. It is a sport that not only shapes athletes but also contributes to in a professional Academy or receiving other representative honours.the development of responsible, well-rounded, and resilient individuals who will go on to make meaningful contributions to society.AJM'