b'THE ELLESMERIAN 54The Combined Cadet ForceNAVY SectionThe Navy Section of the CCF is part of the diverse enrichment activities offered by the College and allows students to glimpse what life in the Royal Navy has to offer. The Navy Section provides a great environment where students can develop powers of leadership by means of training, thereby becoming more self-reliant, resourceful, and confident.The early part of the Michaelmas term saw cadets focus on learning about the Navys history, practising drill, and returning to the waves down at Whitemere for a few refresher sessions. Bushcraft and survival lessons proved to a popular addition to the programme too. As Christmas neared, cadets prepared short lessons on naval traditions and weapon systems and taught them to the rest of the Section, thereby building their confidence and resilience. Throughout thisAs winter turned to spring, so the Section period, the Sections good humour madecontinued to practise drill, learn about training enjoyable and this was a notablecareers in the Navy, and develop their feature of the whole year: everyone smiling.theoretical knowledge of sailing. Cadets took For the October expo (expedition), theto the skies in helicopters from the Army Section joined up with RAF cadets toAir Corps. At the start of summer the focus develop their resilience further by partakingshifted back to the Shropshire Sailing Club, in various outdoor training activities atwhich was incredibly helpful in providing RNAS Inskip. There were a few shrieks ofinstructors to put the cadets through their terror on the climbing wall, a lot of baffledpaces in our new fleet of dinghies. This faces during the various leadership tasksculminated in the summer expo as we and a high degree of competition when letenjoyed some wonderful sailing. The weather loose on the paintballing range. Despite thewas, on occasion, noticeably summery, which packed programme, cadets developed theirmade for a pleasant change. We also joined leadership skills and thoroughly enjoyedthe RAF for a slightly competitive visit to an getting stuck into the many activities on offerAirSoft assault course where it soon became such as archery, low ropes and the rifle range.clear that no quarter would be given!'