b'THE ELLESMERIAN Talbot boys excelled in many areas of sporting competitions. The SeniorThe backstage crew (Alex Dilks, Oliver Earl, Jonathan Ockendon) Footballers won the House Cup with a last-minute goal scored fromwere led by the very capable and talented Chris Astbury and the halfway line. The golfers continued with their winning streak. Notablealso earned awards for Talbot. Well done to everyone involved! performers in Sport this year for the boys teams were Charlie Wood,Another highlight this year was the House Dinner. Parents25Tom Gough-Tilley, Will Owen, George Owen, Tom Dyson, Marcusand students dressed up for the event and enjoyed drinks in Wildblood, Shinil Balakrishnan, Charlie Boys, Jannik Mall, Harvey Ashton,Ante-Chapel followed by a delicious three-course menu served Guy Welti and Larry Jones. Superb Talbot strength of character and teamin Dining Hall. The room was decorated in Talbot Colours and, after spirit were on show in all sporting endeavours. the very moving speeches given by Chalie Wood and Georgia Munro, we were treated to a re-run of the winning part-song from the recent House Cross Country in the Lent Term is the most well-attended sportsHouse Singing competition. fixture of the year as each participant earns points for their House. The warm-ups saw Charlie and Georgia organise stretches and cardioGiven that we are only just coming out of the COVID years, where activities followed by a rather terrifying version of The Hokey-Cokey!events were unable to take place, this year has seen a return to almost War paint was applied and they were off Again, notable performancesa full calendar of activities. The fact that Talbot won the two major from many members of Talbot with Naomi McGuire putting in a greatcompetitions this yearparticularly House Singing, as this was the finish and Bella Spencer-Blow finishing first for Year 10 girls. Reubanfirst time this event has taken place since 2019demonstrates that Gallagher and Oliver Covill put in strong performances once again. Wellmembers of Talbot House are resilient risk-takers. I commend all for done to all for taking part and having such funwho thought Cross- their efforts throughout the year. Country could be so brilliant?!As we look ahead to the new year, we can take heed of the words of Academic Competitions and House Quiz events were supported andVince Lombardi who said Individual commitment to a group effort well done to all those who put themselves forward. Alex Dilks in Year 9- that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, won a prize for the Tanka Poetry competition and Talbot were runnersa civilisation work. Being a member of Talbot is being a member of up in House Photography and Essay competitions. Harry Hepburn, Nattsomething distinct. I congratulate all for taking part and as we progress Kritchanarat, Sofiia Avramidi, Melanie Skarratt, Bella Spencer-Blow, andthrough our new experiences, we must make sure we are allLucy Neil deserve special mention for their participation in these events.Prest daccomplir!During the Lent Term Talbot took over Chapel and ran a special Service for the whole of Senior School. It was certainly one of the highlights ofZJFthe year for Chapel with our House Captains organising a well-timed and thought-provoking service entitled How Do We Avoid Burn-Out?. Will Phillips and Molly Fry read the lessons while Natt Kritchanarat and Sepp Kanik-Lovatt delivered prayers and reflections. Charlie Wood gave a memorable homily to great acclaim. His microphone work in Chapel was exemplary!During the same term, Talbot triumphed in the House Singing Competition beating off all other Houses in both the part-song and the whole House event. What a moment! Described by many who attended as the best weve ever heard Charlie and Georgia led the House to victory. This years theme was Big Band. The part-song was a moving version of My Way and featured Ellie Kimber, Bella Spencer-Blow, Sofiia Avramidi, Abi-Lou Foster, Harry Digwood, Molly Fry, Georgia Munro, Guy Welti, Charlie Wood, Emily Farr, Milly Martin, and Tabby Kimber. Taking on a multi-part acapella harmony organised by Molly Fry, the group produced the most beautiful music and thoroughly deserved the win. The whole House rendition of the iconic New York! New York!, including choreographed jazz hands, was a great delight for the audience. What a wonderful sound Talbot makes when all are in tune! This was a brilliant night and I am certain the taste of victory is still sweet on every tongue. Moving back into the year, but very much in the same vein, Talbot was by far the winning House for the annual House Play Competition. Directed by the award-winning Georgia Munro Mrs Seethes Detention Rampage was nothing short of marvellous. Julia Smiths Mrs Stint just about survived the stage being wheeled in by Marcus Wildblood. Mrs. Seethe was ably played by Harry Digwood whose superb performance earned him the Best Actor award. Best Double Act Charlie Wood and Lili Harvey Hemming were also arguably the best-dressed characters.'