b'THE ELLESMERIAN The House Cup is the focus for House competition from academia, arts, to music to drama and sport standpoints. 43The Champion House this year is Phillips House.We wish the Year 8 pupils farewell and good luck as they move to the Middle School years.Its a long shared notion that we are in this profession to create belief and this is so true regarding the experience that the teachers provide at Ellesmere College for those children placed in our care. There is constant encouragement and a strife towards higher planes of all types of performance. This is done without losing that sense of fun along the way.We look forward to a new chapter next year. I am pleased to award the title of new Head Girl and Head Boy to Esther Gration and Harry Harrison. Deputy Head Boy and Girl are Georgia OGrady and Morgan Lay. I am sure they will lead by example.It is the end of another busy year at Ellesmere and the end of a chapter for me. The years have rapidly passed. I would like to say thank you to colleagues, parents, and pupils both past and present for making it a time to remember with extreme fondness. I would also like to say thank you to the departing Head Boy and Girl for their kind words and wonderful service.S.O'