b'THE ELLESMERIAN 99Rugby - U15 VIIAs the U15s season went on into January, the focus for the 7s seasonThis meant a Semi-Final match in the plate against Magdalen College came a bit later. The focus and hunger was there as it was in the 15sSchool, Oxford. We showed early dominance and Harry Jackson but took the boys a while to get out of 15s mode and into 7s. broke through to score what he thought was the first trybut put the ball down too early! In our previous matches we had been playing We started off with two 7s practice tournaments at Shrewsburyon a pitch with the try area in-front of the posts, which caused the School and Wrekin. The teams there didnt always provide theconfusion. The match was very topsy-turvy, with the scores going back competition we needed, but we were a very good team and teamsand forth. Magdalen scored at the death to level the match, which struggled to match us at times. These matches gave us time to focusunfortunately meant the end for our run as the rule for a draw was and hone our skills for 7s and allowed us to play our patterns. whoever scored first in a drawn match would progress; in this case it was Magdalen.The main tournament we had focus for was Kings Worcester 7s, where we were drawn in a tough group alongside Warwick, KESIt was a cruel way to end the season and could have been very Birmingham, KES Stratford, and Hereford Bluecoat. In the weeks priordifferent with a full complement, but the boys did themselves proud. It to the tournament, we had good depth in the squad but injuries andwould have been nice to come away with silverware but concussions to George Owen, Thomas Jacques, Thomas Swinnerton,unfortunately it wasnt meant to be.Thomas Gough Tilley, and Yegor Ognov severely hampered the squad.MTH Our first match was against Warwick, who I assume expected to win. However, a dogged performance saw us come out winners with a 21-19 win after an Adam Jacques conversion to seal the win. KES Birmingham were next, straight after Warwick and on a larger pitch, which we didnt accommodate to quickly enough. The fatigue from the Warwick match didnt help and we slipped to a loss. We knew that we had to win our next two matches to help us progress any further, and we came away with comfortable wins along with a few injuries. In the end we finished joint 1st in the group alongside Warwick and KES Birmingham, but our points difference wasnt as good, which meant we slipped to 3rd and entered the plate.'