b'THE ELLESMERIAN27The House singing event did not take place this year, much to theThe Senior House Volleyball is a very social occasion and one disappointment of all the pupils and staff, but we took this energy into thethat is played in great spirits across all teams. With a full house in rest of the competitive events across the summer term.the sportshall, the Talbot team took the pitch and gelled immediately, The format of the event is a round robin with each House Basketball was a popular choice of scheduled competition and theteam playing 9 games across the format. A win rate of 7 and only House had a willing group of players ready to take on the best of the rest2 losses saw Talbot take the crown and with it the Senior form each of the four Houses. The event in the sports hall was wellcompetition. supported and the noise and atmosphere really added to the enjoyment and tension of the competition. Despite a spirited effort in all sections ofSenior House golf saw a team made up of Charlie Boys, Marcus the competition, Talbot House could just not put all the pieces togetherWildblood, Shinil Balakrishan and Laurence Jones. The team were too when it was needed to take the various crowns, with the Senior girlsmuch for the rest and the skill and ability demonstrated across the proving the best performance in the House with a very impressive 2ndafternoon, led to a first-place finish for the Senior House golf team with place finish.Charlie posting a score of 32, 2 over par for the day, which was an outstanding personal performance to sitThe House quiz quickly came around and a crack team was assembled toalongside that of the overall team.try and win one of the most hotly contested events in the school calendar. A closely fought semi-final saw us victorious against a very goodIt was a delight to have the return of the House Dinner, to celebrate the Woodard team. Not for the first time in this year we found ourselvesyear together and to remind ourselves of the successes and achievements pitted against Wakeman-Lambart in the final, the team did amazingly well,of our time this year. The speeches by Natasha and Will, were as but after a very close competition, the team were sadly pipped intoexpected, excellent and they really helped to summarise another second place for the event.successful year for all of the pupils involved in Talbot House. It was great to welcome back the many parents of the pupils in the house and to be The House Netball is becoming a key area of strength, with the Houseable to enjoy a celebration evening, which was appreciated by all.fortunate to have such a wide range of quality players at both Senior and Junior level. The juniors played a great game throughout and despite itNatasha and Will have played a key part in the success of Talbot House being really close, the skills of our goal attackers and goal keeper paidthis year and they have demonstrated great leadership, organisation, dividends and the victory for the Juniors was won on goal difference. Theplanning and the ability to get others to commit to the House and all of Seniors almost made it a clean sweep, but with some excellent individualits competitions. They have certainly left their mark and we look forward performances from the girls across the other Houses, the final whistle sawto seeing Georgia Munro and Charlie Wood take up the mantel and the Senior girls take a well earned 2nd place in a fiercely contested event.move the House forward in 2023. The end of the Lent term saw the House Football Festival, again played inFinally, we must say our thanks to all of those leaving the House this a competitive spirit with all team wanting the victory. With a win rate of 1summer, especially those in Year 11 or Year 13. Their continued support, victory to 2 defeats, there was nothing the team could do to change theefforts and hard work across all areas of school life at Ellesmere has result and with one House winning all three games, they took the victoryenabled Talbot House to have another exceptional year of success and a with the Senior boys in second place. The Junior event was tough andyear I hope you will all treasure. I hope that for all the leavers, Talbot with some clear differences in quality across the squads, the JuniorsHouse will always be a fond memory of your time at Ellesmere and finished 4th. The most positive aspect here was the determination of thememories of the events won and lost will long love in the memory. players to keep going and to give everything for the House regardless of how the results went.As with the Motto of Talbot House Prest daccomplir! Be ready to accomplish!'