b'THE ELLESMERIAN85Over the previous couple of years, opportunities for RAF cadets to gain flying experience have been scarce and the cadets were excited to enjoy their 20-minute flights around the school and local area. The cadets were amazed to see the helicopter coming in to land on Parrys field at the College and WO1 J Sweeney and his team did a great job in introducing the cadets to the aircraft and answering all their questions. With the safety brief completed and in groups of three, they were whisked away in the aircraft and circled around the local area; some being lucky enough to see their homes.On the final flight, WO1 J Sweeney flew the helicopter in front of the main College building for what can only be described as an iconic moment, stunning a number of students who were watching from the Maths Challenge grounds and within the Boarding Houses of the school.The UKMT Maths Challenges are a series of fun mathematicalAlthough opportunities to gain flying experience are beginning to competitions that are set up by the UK Maths Trust. The organisationbecome available again, there are still limited places accessible at cadet was founded in 1996 with the aim of advancing the education of youngtraining facilities and the opportunity provided by WO1 J Sweeney and people in Mathematics.RAF Shawbury has been very much appreciated. We hope that this will become an annual opportunity for the RAF CCF cadets and the cadets There are three main solo challenges that College students participatehave offered a big thank you to WO1 J Sweeney for providing this in, these attract over 70,000 entrants each year:opportunity. We are so happy that the students were able to end the term on such a high and we hope they continue to enjoy the enriching The Senior Maths Challenge is for students in Year 12 and takesexperiences myself and Pilot Officer Spencer have in store for them place in Novemberover the rest of the year.The Intermediate Maths Challenge is for students in Years 10and 11 (and sometimes some Year 9) and takes place in FebruaryFlt Off J Haycock, RAF Commanding Officer The Junior Maths Challenge is for students in Years 7 and 8 and takes place in April. Top 100 UK Cricket Since the pandemic began in 2020, the Challenges have been held online but are carried out in the same way with students being allowed onlyEllesmere College has once again batted a full century by retaining its some plain paper and a pen with no measuring implements permitted.place in the Top 100 Senior Schools for cricket in the UK - for the fifth In November, 30 of our esteemed Year 12 students sat the paper withyear running. 15 students achieving Bronze, Sliver or Gold. We have been selected from a record number of entries to feature in Two of those students Leoni and Iris also qualified to compete in thethe prestigious 2022 Cricketer Schools Guide as a result of providing UKMT Senior Kangaroo Maths Challenge. Congratulations and wellthe best cricketing opportunities available nationally. This is a proud done to all students who took part.record for the College, which dates back to 2018, firmly establishing the College among the cricketing elite and underlines the highly successful Cricket Academy as a centre of excellence for students keen to develop their talents in cricket alongside their academic journey.The guide, compiled by the worlds number one cricket magazine, The Cricketer, lists the top 100 Senior and top 50 Prep and Junior schools in the UK, which are selected against an extensive set of criteria including facilities, coaching, and fixture programmes.Helicopter FlightAt the end of a great Michaelmas term, the Royal Air Force cadets enjoyed a fantastic experience. All RAF cadets were fortunate enough to take advantage of the opportunity of an air experience flight in a helicopter. This amazing opportunity was provided by helicopter pilot instructor Warrant Officer Class 1 John Sweeney AAC out of RAF Shawbury.'