b'THE ELLESMERIAN Golf Senior House Golf158The annual House Golf was played at the normal time of year but in very windy conditions. We had a great turn out as this annual event grows in popularity. We played a modified stableford game with points available on each hole. Charlie Boys posted a 32, two over par for the day. Talbot and Wakeman Lambart battled it out with the Academy golfers just seeing Talbot edge the lead. Meynell Wakeman Lambart Talbot Woodard Oliver Moore 19Will Aston-Stott 33Charlie Boys 35 Ben Wright 27 Jacob Popplewell 18 Elieot Williamson 29 Marcus Wildblood 30 Sam Linnington 26 Charlie Sweeny 18 Sander Eppers 26 Shinil Balakrishnan 29 Alfie Linnigton 19 Dylan Cunningham 16Ben Zakers 20 Laurance Jones 19 Jack Tomlinson 17 Totals 3 to count5788 94 62Result 42 1 3 Sports Day Lower School Sports Day This year saw the return of a fuller Sports Day. The weather was kind and the competition was excellent. We welcomed parents back to support for the first time in two years. It was a joy to see the students support each other and play their own individual parts in the team performances. BROWNLOWHEYWOOD PHILLIPS KS2 totals6456 67 KS3 totals7199 83 Team Totals135155 150 Positions 31 2'