b'THE ELLESMERIAN Drama and the arts are a big part of life in Middle School, and it has been a shame that over the last few years we have not been able to celebrate the talent of our pupils to the full. Therefore, it was with great joy that we were able to put on High School Musical, which45brought the cast and crew from across various year groups last summer, much to the delights of the appreciative audience. After Easter, for Year 11 pupils the focus always turns towards revision. With the return to public exams for the first time in two years, the pupils were obviously a little nervous of this relatively new experience. However, with the support of their subject teachers and tutors they performed excellently and should be proud of their achievements.It has been a somewhat strange year which was ever evolving with the constant changes of regulations, though as the year progressed things became more normal in the sense of what we expect of life at Ellesmere. As we look towards next year, we have increasing confidence that life will be full and thriving at College.SP/KC'