b'THE ELLESMERIAN 119Football1st XI Summary of ResultsThe next match was a much tougher affair against a good Liverpool Abbeygate College - CancelledCollege team. The opposition scored two goals in the first 20 minutes, Oldham Hulme Grammar School - Cancelledwe clawed one goal back before half-time. After the break we went at Denstone College - Won31it and we scored another goal, this time an excellent free kick from Liverpool College - Draw22Ollie that managed to squeeze under the goal keeper. We then hung Oswestry - Cancelledon for a well-earned draw.Abbeygate College - Won50 Denstone College - Won3 0After the Half Term break, we had a home fixture against AbbeygateCollege. This was one of the best displays of the term. We dominated The 1st XI Football team originally had seven fixtures lined up for thethe play and the opposition just couldnt cope with it; they and their term, but the weather conditions on some of the weekends put aparents were starting to get frustrated but we just capitalised on it and spanner in the works and we only ended up playing four matches.were 4-0 up at half time. The final goal was a reward for Matthew However, what matches! We ended up achieving an unbeaten season,Bland, who was also making his debut for the 1st XI up front: he scored which is not an easy feat, and the team should be congratulated ona great goal to finish off an excellent performance.their efforts throughout the term. Well done! The final match was away at Denstone. Confidence was high that we In the first match, we were the better team on the day and thecould beat them, considering the score line of the first match, and we opposition started to lose their composure as they became more andagain played well in difficult conditions. We scored twice in the first half more frustrated with our dominance over them. Major Evans was solidthrough Bland and a Barrett penalty. The second half, Finn Reddington in goal, the back four of Fin Reddington, Louis Penrice, Josh Birungi, andoff a corner, was very well taken. We finished 0-3 winners and achieved Toby Walker kept the opposition at bay for large parts of the match;an unbeaten season. Ioan Craven-Jones, Rohan Thiethy, and Ollie Barrett dominated the midfield; while Sacha Connesson-Robic and Sen Muya on the wingsVery well done to all the players that represented the 1st XI this year looked dangerous every time they went forwards with the ball. Domand good luck to everyone who is leaving this year. It has been a Powell up-front was unlucky not to get on the score sheet. Overall wepleasure coaching the team this year and it was a nice end to my time won 3-0, with Barrett scoring a hat-trick; an excellent performance allas 1st XI Coach. Thank you! around. ILR'