b'THE ELLESMERIANEllesmere College 174 Parents SocietyEllesmere College Parents Society (ECPS) has been revitalised thisFinally, we were able to host the long-awaited Ladies Lunch - a Michaelmas term and it has been great to welcome lots of newpopular event in the ECPS calendar - before the end of the Summer members and to be able to get together again. Our grateful thanksTerm. This was a hugely enjoyable finale, with 172 parents and friends go to Janet Kelly, our outgoing Chair, whose tenure was interruptedcoming together to have lunch in the marquee on the Terraces, by the Covid pandemic.browse the 17 stalls, and listen to our speaker, Becky Warren from The Robert Jones & Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital in Gobowen. Janet held the post from 2019 and, at first, it was business as usualBecky was an engaging speaker who inspired us all with her with meetings, events, and activities including a Quiz Night, MacMillanexperiences in Afghanistan as an army nurse and her work in setting Coffee Morning, flower rota, and Christmas Party for Key Stage 2up the Covid vaccination centre at the hospital. The event raffle pupils, followed by a Burns Night celebration in January 2020.raised an impressive 1,241, which was split between the Speakers However, as the pandemic moved the world online, meetings thencharity choice: the garden project at the RJAHs Spinal Injury Unit, became virtual and events impossible. Janet kindly agreed to extendand the Teenage Cancer Trust.her stewardship of ECPS for an extra year until we were finally able to get together when restrictions were lifted. ECPS is now regaining its momentum, with the monthly meetings resumed, the flower rota re-established, and a number of activities Christmas 2021 saw the first in-person ECPS event - Creativity Dayalready in the calendar. We look forward to welcoming all parents to - take place since lockdown (albeit socially distanced), with 18join us at one (or all!) of these fun, social events.parents taking part in creating Confectionery Advent Bouquets and Christmas wreaths, all wearing masks and 2 metres apart in a well- For information about ECPS or any of our events, please email ventilated old Sports Hall. contactecps@gmail.com and ask to join the ECPS WhatsApp group or check out the schools Instagram. Rebecca Lloyd and Claire Williamson (Co-Chairs)'