b'THE ELLESMERIANMiddle School44 Education is the passport to the those who prepare for it todayfuture, for tomorrow belongs to Malcolm XThe year started off at its usual fast pace with everyone settling intoPresenting to your peers is never an easy thing to do but it helps the day-to-day routines of life in Middle School, which still includedbuild skills that are essential for life in the Sixth Form and beyond working within Covid restrictions. The hope of the new academicschool, and I know that our pupils gain much from this experience; I year was that we would have some normality and a return to the fullam always grateful that they are so willing to volunteer. Assemblies programme of activities and academia that we had been used to.are also a great opportunity to celebrate the academic hard work achieved by students. It is always a great way to share success with The first half term is always a busy one with the build-up to ourthe rest of the student group and recognise those who are pushing expeditions, which gives our students the opportunity to use theirtheir academic endeavour; we present certificates as a sign of this experience and knowledge of the skills learnt in new environments.success, which are presented by myself and Mrs Curzon, Assistant This included off-site activities for CCF, D of E, Arts Award, andHead of Middle.Tennis and Swimming camps, which offer a wide range of activities and experiences. These are always a fantastic way to finish the firstPSHE is an important aspect of what tutors deliver and discuss with half term with students hopefully feeling they have achieved andtheir tutees. We all complete the online safety course to help refresh gained new skills and have shown a good level of resilience in somethe knowledge and understanding of the online safety. Online safety of the activities they have taken part in.has never been as important as it is now, which makes our annual online safety course increasingly important. This always kicks off our PSHE programme at the start of the year. Issues around mental health are also covered, along with environmental issues and study skillsAssemblies are the one time of the day where the whole of Middle School can meet together for a variety of purposes. Last year, assemblies were once again led by members of Middle School on a variety of topics selected by them. These will often be issues that theChristmas Lunch has always been a highlight of the Michaelmas term student body hold an avid interest in and a passion to share with thebut this time was naturally scaled back. It was still a great way to rest of the school. Particular highlights include an assembly that dealtcelebrate the end of the term with the traditional get together of with the issues of mental health, how to succeed in life,staff and students enjoying the meal together environmental issues, and the pros and cons of school uniform.'