b'THE ELLESMERIAN 55preceding months was evident as cadets raced around the lake and, sometimes deliberately, put their capsize procedures to the test. And everyone smiled.DBscreams were ever-present as cadets hurtled through the rapids. Cadet Conway showed exemplary leadership when her raft got into trouble, earning high praise from the instructors. As winter turned to spring, so the Section continued to practise drill, learn about careers in the Navy, and develop their theoretical knowledge of sailing. With the start of summer, so we returned to the waves at Whitemere. Shropshire Sailing Club were incredibly helpful in facilitating this after the pandemic-induced hiatus. Cadets began to apply theory to the Sections fleet of racing dinghies. This culminated in the summer expo as we headed to Southport for a few days of sailing with Navy instructors. The weather was, on occasion, slightly less than summery. The silver lining was that cadets had the chance to learn how to paddle rafts and drive rescue boats when the wind was too strong. When it wasnt, the practice and hard work put in over the'